Index / Table of Contents
When creating an Index, you are limited to populate ONLY one Index style format. MS Word, it is greatly inferior program, and yet you can create a General Index, a Index of Cases and Index of Figures. Indesign is the leading industry program for designers and writers, NOT MS word.
What happens if have lots of illustrations, data tables graphs and flowcharts all numbered accordingly. For example, an illustration (Figure 20 or Table 7), maybe on page 40, but there are 40 mentions throughout the document. Thus, in Indesign, you can not create a proper index list every page number of Figure 20, or a table etc. If you to want create more Indexes like the Index format, you CANNOT, you are forced to use the Table of Contents style.
We are in a climate where there is a strong demand for indexes that best help our customers to locate information in the books and magazines we produce.
We need to improve the Index function with the ability to create multiple Indexes, that follow the actual Index format (not the Table of Contents Format). If you use Peter Kahrel’s script or IndexMatic they are very limited what you can do. IndexMatic creates a concordance and Peter;s Script uses the Topic area, mixing in or amalgamating all the indexes. It ends up being messy.
Let's do this — update the program