Please implement support for fast entry of Mac OS accented chars asap
Mac OSX now supports accents very cleanly and simply c/o press and hold briefly (a, e whatever) then your accent choices display as in the attached screengrab. This feature is supported in all Mac apps, email clients, etc etc ... even dare I type, MS Word v15.40 (171108). But not InDesign (yet ... as of 13.0.1). Very disappointing for a s/w vendor that is otherwise at leading edge of all things creative design / innovative UIs ...
- rob d
Stefano Bernardi commented
How is it possible that this basic thing is not supported? Have anybody in Adobe ever tried typing Italian or French from a standard keyboard?
I've seen the support suggesting to use the Glyph panel, but how do you use a Glyph panel that have an accent every two words?!