Option to turn off auto centre when selecting layers
When selecting objects in my layers panel, my screen jumps to that object. This is not what I want. No way. Never.
Sometimes i go through my layers and select them to see what they are especially if they aren't named. But i don't want to navigate to them automatically! If i have zoomed in and am looking at a particular object, there is no way i want some automatic feature to take me away to a different part of the document - just so i have to zoom out and go back to where i was focusing on.
Big time wasting feature right there.
SoloAnt commented
Is there still no solution to turn this off? I feel like this wasn't the way it worked before, not sure if this is a newer feature but it is crazy annoying. I actually thought this was a bug but then found this thread.
Yes, please make a way to turn this off if there isn't one already.
Stan Williams commented
When I search on a word the app zooms to the word, when in fact I need to see the whole page spread. Very irritating and productivity killer to have to recenter the page before I can do my work. We need an easy way to disable auto zoom to selection. Please.
Michael commented
Agreed. For those of us who zoom with CMD + / CMD -, this is requiring an extra click on a nearby object every move to make sure we even stay on the same page, let alone staying on the same object when zooming in or out. It becomes a massive flow disruption to figure out where the view jumped to every time you zoom.
If zoom-to-selection is something people actually want, there should at least be an ability to turn it on or off.