My feedback
2 results found
72 votes
Hello All,
We thank you for your patience all this while.
Addressing this problem has been tricky for us given the random nature of the issue.
Determined to resolve the issue, we had launched our investigation into the matter to identify the root cause and fix it.Many of you must have received email from us seeking more details about the issue.
We have concluded our investigation and came up with the below mentioned finding:
It was found that, most of the times, users were trying to drag an empty polygon which was leading the confusion because the legacy behaviour of InDesign allows dragging of polygon only from its edges or the centre most point.
If the user tries to drag it from any other position, the object cannot be moved.We have tried to improve the user experience in this regard. You can try the same in InDesign’s latest…
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Ashton commented
First off some information on what I'm running:
1: InDesign vers 13.0.1
2: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
3: It happens at random whether I've closed out of inDesign and restarted it, cleared all my preferences with the CMD CNTRL OPT SHIFT method at the start, or had it sitting open after it had been working. So I'm not even sure how to reproduce the problem.Mouse or tablet, neither work. Using the move tool, I can USUALLY click and drag objects around the page and organize them as needed. With this bug, I can only 'nudge' the object from side to side. But in a large document this would take me years to finish my work. I can resize the objects as well as place new objects - but cannot move them.
This has been a well documented problem but there never seems to be any answers or updates for it. I've tried updating InDesign, clearing preferences, restarting my computer, and every other little trick in the book when this comes back.
Ashton supported this idea ·
2 votes
Ashton supported this idea ·
I've been running into this problem for months now. Deleting all my preferences works like 40% of the time if I do it a few times, restart my computer and so on. It's really getting in the way of my work.
To answer the "needs more info"
1. OS X El Capitan 10.11.6 (15G19009)
2. Yes I am able to resize
3. On (tried it off and still the same result, no dragging ability)
4. Issue occurs with any object. Text, images, graphics, shapes, in pages or in page masters.
This has been ongoing almost a year for most after multiple updates, any actual fix would be GREATLY appreciated.