Sample script "PlaceMultipagePDF.vbs" does not work properly
Related threads in the support community
The above is a recent event, but the following thread is from 2018. We can assume that the situation is not good and has been going on for several years.
I can't try it in CS already, but presumably the problem is still the same and bad in all versions since CC.
The "PlaceMultipagePDF.vbs" set of sample scripts pre-installed in InDesign clearly behaves abnormally compared to the .jsx, .applescripts of the same name.
Observing the behavior of .jsx and .applescript, it seems that the following processing steps are involved. 1.
1. display a dialog to select a PDF file
2. select target document from new or existing documents
3. if user selects an existing document, select target page from pull-down
4. place the first page of the PDF on the selected page of the indd document
5. add a new page immediately after the selected page of the indd document
6. place the next page of the PDF
7. loop through 5. and 6. until the PDF page reaches the end
.vbs behaves differently in the middle.
4. ignore selected pages in indd document and add pages to the end of indd document
5. place "second page" of PDF
6. loop 4. and 5. until the PDF page reaches the end, but the "first page" of the PDF is placed at the end
7. the last page of the indd document is deleted (where the first page of the PDF is placed)
Even for Windows users, the user's goal can be achieved by choosing .jsx instead of .vbs.
However, not all users can determine which is correct. Also, who would expect such different results from different scripting languages, even though they have the same name?
In any case, the pre-installation of scripts that do not work properly as samples should be taken seriously.
I think the solution is to fix the contents of the .vbs and reflect them in updates, or else exclude them from the pre-installed packages.
InDesignにプリインストールされているサンプルスクリプト群の “PlaceMultipagePDF.vbs” は、同名の .jsx, .applescript と比較して明らかに動作が異常である。
.jsx, .applescript の挙動を見守ると、以下の処理工程のようである。
1. PDFファイルを選択するダイアログ
2. 新規ドキュメント、または既存ドキュメントからターゲットドキュメントを選択
3. ユーザーに既存ドキュメントが選択された場合、ターゲットページをプルダウンから選択
4. inddの選択されたページに、PDFの始めのページを配置
5. inddの選択されたページのすぐ後ろに新規ページを追加
6. PDFの次のページを配置
7. PDFのページが末尾に達するまで5.と6.をループ
.vbs の挙動は途中で異なる。
4. inddの選択されたページを無視して、inddのドキュメント末尾にページを追加
5. PDFの2番目のページを配置
6. PDFのページが末尾に達するまで4.と5.をループするが、最後にPDFの始めのページが配置される
7. inddの最後のページが削除される(PDFの始めのページの配置先)
Windowsユーザーであっても、 .vbs は使用せず、.jsxを選ぶことでユーザーの目的は達成できる。
This issue has been resolved in the latest version of InDesign 2024(v19.0). Please update to this version of InDesign from Creative Cloud Desktop application to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Robert Tkaczyk commented
Fixed + extra bonus - now you can place every SECOND page - so PDF can be placed on only LEFT or only RIGHT pages of the spread - as long as the Spread have two pages.
Or every SECOND page if Facing Pages option is turned OFF.