Andre van Herk
My feedback
1 result found
Scroll bar disappears in Pages panel, swatches panel,Layers panel and background task panel loses its boxes on the right.
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62 votesHello All,
Thank you for your patience all this while. The fix of the issue is now part of InDesign’s latest update, Id 13.1
Update your InDesign through Creative Cloud app to Id 13.1
AbhinavAn error occurred while saving the comment Andre van Herk supported this idea ·
I had the disappearing problem of the scrollbar in the pages panel still after they closed the previous bug? they said it's fixed in 13.1 but not in my version.
I work on mac and pc on the pc version I still had it BUT I read the solution from a mac user about deleting prefs and that helps me.
here is what I did.
close InDesign and search in the InDesign folder for Global Preference Panel cut this one and save it on your desktop. start InDesign and it will give you an error no panic just close it and place the GPP back on the place where you took it out. now start InDesign and voila the scrollbar is back ;) I think this is the same as deleting your prefs maybe a dummie way but it works. have fun