My feedback
1 result found
Scroll bar disappears in Pages panel, swatches panel,Layers panel and background task panel loses its boxes on the right.
overlapping_text.png 12 KB -
InDesign-CC-2018-v-13.0.1.jpg 98 KB -
InDesign-CC-2017-v- 103 KB -
Background_Tasks_-_Cut_off.PNG 15 KB -
Swatches_Panel_Calamity.PNG 20 KB -
Layers_Panel_Problems.PNG 16 KB -
Pages_Panel_issue.PNG 35 KB -
bug_indd.JPG 58 KB -
bug_indd_3.JPG 66 KB -
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Screen_Shot_2018-02-08_at_11.31.57_AM.png 78 KB -
snip.PNG 32 KB -
Print_Screen.jpg 652 KB -
PAGES_02.png 3 KB -
PAGES_01.png 22 KB -
Complaint_2.JPG 33 KB -
Complaint_1.JPG 47 KB -
Id_2.PNG 63 KB -
Id_1.PNG 63 KB
62 votesHello All,
Thank you for your patience all this while. The fix of the issue is now part of InDesign’s latest update, Id 13.1
Update your InDesign through Creative Cloud app to Id 13.1
AbhinavAn error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
same issue, using surface book, 2 external monitors on surface dock, no scroll bar but can scroll using mouse wheel
Anonymous supported this idea ·
The fix works! Thank you for your support.