provide tool to manage external cross-references
UI Contextual Interface
Can't read XML attributes from tagged image contained into table
Analytics Publish Online not loading statistics
Allowing the Review Function to have live text editable/collaborative
Publish Online Analytics slow or failing
Improve Conversion of Adobe Illustrator Documents Into InDesign Documents
I opened my Indesign program and a message asked if I could provide input on how to improve Indesign. Here is my reply.
We need much more comprehensive word/character counts functionality
Making imported PDF edit more obvious in InDesign and fixing delays with mouse clicks
Unreliable color management with object layer options
Index / Table of Contents
Long, NOT complicated, password requirements
Windows Warning Beep
Workfront Integration
InDesign 18.5 saving/exporting/packaging/importing location behavior
6 simple updates to make 'Publish Online' better
Items Dirty the Document When No Change To Doc Was Made
mergeRecords() breaks InDesign Server CC 2018