A new TextFrame InsertionPoints.count changes from 1 to zero when linked to a previous frame and the program effectively crashes
Replaces a previous post - this is written and tested in VB Script:
Set myInDesign = CreateObject("InDesign.Application.2020")
Set myDocument = myInDesign.Documents.Add
Set myPage = myDocument.Pages.Item(1)
Set myTextFrameA = myPage.TextFrames.Add
myTextFrameA.geometricBounds = Array(72, 72, 144, 144)
Rem Add a page.
Set myNewPage = myDocument.Pages.Add
Rem Create another text frame on the new page.
Set myTextFrameB = myNewPage.TextFrames.Add
myTextFrameB.geometricBounds = Array(72, 72, 144, 144)
mycount = myTextFrameB.InsertionPoints.Count
myTextFrameA.NextTextFrame = myTextFrameB
mycount = myTextFrameB.InsertionPoints.Count
myTextFrameB.InsertionPoints.FirstItem.Contents = "This is Bob"
Rem "Program Crashes"