Bart Vandeputte
My feedback
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Dear All,
This feature is now available in latest InDesign CC version. Please upgrade to the latest release.
Abhinav AgarwalAn error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Bart Vandeputte commented
Hi Abhinav,
I definitely meant something like you described as "workflow 1": get the updates from client INTO the indesign file without copy-pasting.
I'm not really getting what you mean with "designer accepts the comment" in workflow 2. Isn't this basically the same as "workflow 1" then?
PS: I would like to see the changes (deletions/additions) visualised in "workflow 1" during the acceptance step. Otherwise how would you know "what" to accept?
BartAn error occurred while saving the comment Bart Vandeputte commented
Another use case for this *kind of* functionality is translating content.
We often design documents in 1 language that get translated afterwards in multiple languages. Currently the designer adds a new layer for each language in the indesign file and copy-paste the translations upon receipt of the translator.
It would be a really big step forward if a translator could translate directly in a pdf and the designer could then import the translation into his indesign file on its own "language layer".
An error occurred while saving the comment Bart Vandeputte commented
Hi Javed, thx for replying!
Imo the bare minimum functionality should cater a 1-designer + 1-editor flow:
1. Designer finishes design, exports to pdf and puts it to some acrobat-in-the-cloud edition which is preferably freely available (sometimes our editors/clients do not have inCopy/acrobat Pro/...)
2. Client receives link to pdf, adds text corrections AND notes (as pdf comments or similar) to that pdf
3. Client contacts designer that the pdf is corrected
4. Designer can import each text correction 1-by-1 back into his source indesign file. Notes are not imported.
5. Designer checks each note (typically design / image issues) and solves it
6. Designer exports new pdf
6.1. Back to 1 to let editors check again.
6.2. When all ok -> designer exports pdf for printer companyThis would already save a lot of time instead of figuring out what is changed and copy-pasting it back into indesign.
Nevertheless in reality we have a multiple-designer + multiple-editor workflow. We send pdf's to each of the editors which add pdf-comments to them via acrobat reader.
This means that the designer has extra work to consolidate all changes first before actually incorporating them back into indesign. This often also results in conflicting corrections which results in a lot of overhead communication between designer/editor instead of editor/editor.I wouldn't mind getting this functionality via PDF Document Cloud or another paid for solution (preferably via the designer's subscription), but then we should be able to give a client/editor "free" access to a pdf without him having a full-blown PDF Document Cloud subscription for adding the corrections/annotations. Most of our clients never use it for anything more then "helping us" centralizing the comments anyway.
Bart Vandeputte supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Bart Vandeputte commented
Currently we have 3 ways of dealing with text corrections coming from the client:
1. PDF comments via acrobat reader, then the designer adds each correction 1-by-1 to the indesign file, re-exports and delivers back to client.
2. Incopy; takes the correction flow back to the client/copywriter but not all our customers have incopy :-(
3. User updates his pdf via Acrobat DC (can do multiple times), but then the designer doesn't know what has been changed and when he has to do "major" changes that can't be done via Acrobat DC you have basically different versions floating around which nobody knows which is the latest :-(I would like to see some way to combine 2 & 3 in an invisible way. Some kind of API which keeps tracks of what has been changed via Acrobat DC and an easy way to "import" those changes into indesign before the designer has to do major updates.
Imho that would really improve the correction-workflow AND experience!!
I wholeheartedly agree with Kelly Vaughn.