My feedback
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219 votes
This is a macOS10.13 issue, specific for some Intel GPU cards. Apple has fixed(partially) this issue inside macOS10.13.4 released build.
Following are the workaround for resolving this issue.
1) Update your mac machine to latest macOS10.13.4. Here, Apple has fixed this issue to some extent. You will face very less number of rendering issues.
2) Disable GPU preview and set display performance as typical.Once you have updated to macOS10.13.4 .You might still face some rendering issues. Since, Apple has not fixed this issue completely.
Please switch off GPU rendering for these cases and report a separate post for tracking.An error occurred while saving the comment
Apple did not build InDesign.
Your product folks built InDesign. InDesign is installed predominantly, I have to assume, on Apple products and platforms. Seems to me that coding to their platform(s) is job no.1 of your P&E teams. In that this issue is not limited to High Sierra alone (see myriad comments below) I am amused that you would push your lacking tests, comms, and QC off on Apple. Renders your narrative suspect not owning it.
I am reminded of a time when Quark went the way of the dinosaur when they assumed their king-of-the-hill monopolized hubris could carry their inept bloatware past any market newcomer.
Then along came an elegant and stable upstart in InDesign. InDesign bothered to work with the end-user in mind and to develop to the printer/separator software their files were served up on.
I dunno, maybe beware complacency, and history – it tends to repeat itself. And then consider a pleasant, but stern, user-centric discussion with P&E about historical narratives and paycheck funding.
Just a thought.