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219 votes
This is a macOS10.13 issue, specific for some Intel GPU cards. Apple has fixed(partially) this issue inside macOS10.13.4 released build.
Following are the workaround for resolving this issue.
1) Update your mac machine to latest macOS10.13.4. Here, Apple has fixed this issue to some extent. You will face very less number of rendering issues.
2) Disable GPU preview and set display performance as typical.Once you have updated to macOS10.13.4 .You might still face some rendering issues. Since, Apple has not fixed this issue completely.
Please switch off GPU rendering for these cases and report a separate post for tracking.An error occurred while saving the comment
I have similar graphics issues on my 2017 IMac running high sierra 10.13.1 .
I have intermittent strange lights, broken images, bright slices of white across the screen, at times it crashes or just jams but the screenshots of the incidents only show pix elated dots in varying colors across the screen. All since "upgrading" to High Sierra.. This a brand new Mac!