spinning beach ball when clicking into text box
Buttons/interactivity not working
Integrate a Content :before and :after to Styles as it is possible in CSS
InDesign 2019 Data Merge not allowing Multiple Records per page
Find all data placeholders
Allow file paths to be copied from the Missing Images pop-up window
hyperlink that is not used in data merge causing incorrect data reception
data merge for interactive elements
Preview Data Merge Causes Crash
Version 15.0.2 - Duplicate folder saving to desktop
Unable to print using Separations with trap Application Built In
Uses of Quickbooks auto data recovery
Replacement of ending Type 1 fonts
Allow Custom Cell Padding on Imported Spreadsheets
Modern Data Merge Source File
Stroke edit crash · CLOSED
Responsive palette sizing
EPUB – Endnote backlink issues for INDB files · Closed: Fixed
Variables not updating
It would be great to have an option in InDesign to select/check several Queries in Find/Change window.