[ID-4208669]QR Code Generator Problems with Special Characters in vCards
In the actual version of indesign (16.0) there is still an issue with internal generated vCard-QR-Code scanned by an iphone.
In germany there are special Characters called "Umlaute" (ü, ö, ä) or the "sharp s" (ß). If these characters are used in an vCard generated within the buildin function from indesign, they are replaced with other symbols on the iPhone QR-Code-Camera Reader.
I think this is only a Problem of the used vCard-Version. I think indesign uses Version 2.1 if you would just use Version 3.0 this issue does not appear.
please see attached one example
Kind regards from germany
Bug QR code on iOs.jpg 236 KB -
Correct QR code on Android.jpg 213 KB -
qr-code2.png 9 KB -
qr-code1 ID.png 9 KB -
Bildschirmfoto 2022-12-13 um 14.49.23.png 130 KB -
Bildschirmfoto 2022-12-13 um 14.49.16.png 130 KB -
iphone.png 125 KB -
indesign.jpg 157 KB -
iphone.png 125 KB -
indesign.jpg 157 KB -
IMG_0282.PNG 91 KB

Fix for this issue is now available in the latest InDesign Release version 20.1 (Build, available via Creative Cloud Desktop application.
Please update your InDesign application to this latest version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Claudia commented
We've got the same problem in German language with Ä Ö Ü.
You can't scan the codes with with an iphone. With Android it's working.Please fix.
Thank you!!!
Nope Hansen commented
Any fix? Sadly no..
Marianne Skettrup commented
Fix the bug so that the danish letters æ.ø.å also can be transferred to vCard (business card) unchanged when the vCard generated in the Indesign QRcode generator gets scanned.
Vojta Lunga commented
Vojta Lunga commented
Adobe, fix it please. Wrong characters in Business Card are shame :-(
guido commented
qr code business card generated don´t read in correct form. Specials characters like á or é are incorrectly presented in iphone qr code readers.
Anonymous commented
Completely agreed with you!
The problem is that the datas are not encoded in UTF.
Other QR code generators (in the web) can do this so Adobe should also be able to do it.
I spent 1 hour chatting with support to learn that is not possible within Indesign! -
Ibrahim Ozdemir commented
Generated QR codes in Business Card Section with non-English letters does not resolve correctly with Contacts App in iOS