Share for Review strikethrough & highlight from online edits aren't visible in InDesign
InDesign Vs. 16 Share for Review: if the reviewer uses the strikethrough text or highlight option, I don't see these in my indesign doc. I can see the strikethrough text on the browser version, but the highlight disppears completely. The review comment is in both places, just not what it's referencing.

The fix for this issue is available in the latest InDesign release 16.2.1
Please update to this latest version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Anonymous commented
The same issue, don't see highlights within InDesign. Facepalm.
Anonymous commented
Really disappointed this feature is not working properly after it was advertised repeatedly. I am having the same issues as everyone else in this discussion. I was so excited to have a good proofing function, but now I have lost significant time on my project because I convinced my team to use this new feature. I am only one week into my struggles (having started using this feature only 1.5 weeks ago) but it makes it that much more upsetting to see that the issue has been under review with no updates for months.
Philip commented
This is strike 3 for this feature....
Same issue, but I cannot even see the strikethrough or text comments in the browser entered today... comments appear in both browser and indd ... just not linked to anything. And the tools available changed literally mid-today - our edittor received an error 500 - and that she is back in she has fewer options for makring-up. My editor asked where the text/strike-through tools went? Instead of saving time this is making the entire process more complicated.
Really getting tired of Adobe's bugs. Adobe should have a Rep to speak with our clients to apologize on our behalf taking longer and also waste their time and our editor's time again going over all the edits.
Will this help?
Windows 10 / Chrome3 months open and no update?
Donna Hart commented
I am having the same issue, I had all the tools last time I opened the same document and now only have 2
Anonymous commented
I get the same. Client annotated 'stike through' and 'text' changes. But they don't appear on my review on the page, only as text comments in the review box, so there is no way to see where the comments are refering to on the document. Pins appear and pencil marks. First time use and a total disapointment.
eveningclouds commented
I'll add another issue I discovered. If you edit the text and the the text reflows, the pins inserted by the reviewer don't flow with the text but stay on the page where the reviewer first put them. So after some time spent working on the text, the pins and their referents disengage, producing even more confusion.
Seriously, this feature is super flawed and should never have been released.
eveningclouds commented
Have lost several days on a time sensitive job and ****** off an author because I had no idea this feature doesn't actually work.
And is it a different issue that once changes are made in the reviewed document that the 'link' to the original edit and the corrected text in the ID doc is lost? Hard to believe that this is the way this feature is SUPPOSED to work.
Adobe should really hire people who are professional wordsmiths and editors to help them figure out what features are useful and why the ones they deliver are sometimes inadequate (indexes, endnotes, etc.)
EC commented
This issue is incredibly frustrating and embarrassing after asking several clients for their time and efforts.
Without the highlighted text it is impossible to make over 200 corrections!
You should notify users of these bugs before using the tool (beta version), not subject all of us to unnecessary stress! -
Gary Young commented
Here's hoping the InDesign team updates us soon about a resolution to this problem, because as of 12/15/20, it's still not working. Share for Review can be a game-changing new feature if it works. Right now, that's a big "if."
Anonymous commented
This issue has been under review for more than a month.
Share for Review was announced as a significant new feature of InDesign. This unreliability issue makes it mostly unusable. It's hard to understand why it is not being dealt with more promptly.
Cindy Kwitchoff commented
I'm having the same problem. When I first did the Share for Review 9 days ago, I could see in the browser and InDesign program the highlights, strike-throughs, etc that one of the reviewers made. I had to wait for 6 other people to add their comments. Now today, when I'm ready to make all the changes, I was surprised to only see a few pins, that's it. One of the spreads had no pins at all. This is on the browser (Edge & Firefox) and InDesign.
All the comments are there on the side. When I click on one of them, the InDesign program supposedly "jumps" to where the comment is mapped, but there is no marker and I don't know what it is referring to.
This was the first time I tried Share for Review and now it's rather embarrassing I have to go back to my clients--who really liked it--and tell them it was working but now stopped working and I have no idea what their comments refer to.
Latest version of InDesign. Windows 10. Edge & Firefox.
Update: Now in the browser, I only see the Place a Pin and Drawing icons. The highlight, strike-through, replace text icons are gone.
Julie Larsen commented
My client says she can still see all the annotations and comments. I tried to log out of my account and log in as her (through her Google account), but that didn't work. Is there a way you can help me do that? I really need to get this done!
Julie Larsen commented
I'm making this new comment just so I can upload the second screenshot. I hope it works this time!
Julie Larsen commented
I am having the same problem. I am working on a long book (250+ pages). I made some changes but didn't get it finished. I sent a new version for review. I didn't realize that when I did, the former annotations would disappear.
Now, the client has made more changes in further chapters. I can see some of them, but not all. I can't see the highlights at all, but I can see some strikethrough.
In the online version (Chrome) I can see some places where there is a tiny part of the annotation showing off the edge of the page. When I click on it, it does highlight the comment it relates to, but it's obviously not in the right place. Take a look at my second screenshot and you'll see what I mean. (I discovered that the screenshot didn't upload properly, so I edited the comment, but now it won't give me the option to upload more???. I guess I'll make a new comment above.
Warren commented
Same problem in MacOS 11.0.1, InD 16.0.1
Erin M Gudge commented
I can see all of the comments, but not where they are on the page. This is the same in the online review. I have ensured that "Show Annotations" is correctly turned on. I have sent the link to other users, both those with Adobe CC and those without and everyone has the same issue. It was working yesterday, but no longer works today. I think it has something to do with the latest release.
Anonymous commented
For the past Month or two, only the thumbtack and pencil annotations will show both online and in InDesign. The Highlight, Replace Text and Strike through annotations do not show in inDesign, only online. Also normally when you select the comment in InDesign the text selected fro strikethrough or replace text gets highlighted, it's not doing that either. So essentially that type fo comment is not useful with this bug.
The screenshots show online version and the InDesign version.
Im not in preview mode in InDesign. The "Hide Annotations" is toggled off.
Occasionally a couple of these types of annotations will display correctly but not all of them and it seems like that the ones that do show may not always stay that way , wether its after a "save" or closing out the program and opening, those that did show may not show anymore. But in most cases this bug seems to apply to all of them.
I have not seen any discernible pattern to explain why it may be doing this.
InDesign is updated to the most current version as of today (12/04/20)
Artur R. commented
Have same problem. Fire shared for review, public. Annotations are not visible to be, but they are visible to person who posted them.
Comments themselves display as usual. -
Beldon Wolson commented
Are they logging in with Adobe IDs? I found some tools are only available if the end user is logged in that way.
Matthew Vecera commented
Inversely, my reviewers cannot see those controls in the web browser, but I can see them in InDesign.