Type tool still deselects itself InDD 15.0.1
The bug has been already reported, it's been claimed to be fixed in 14.0.1, but actually still persists and never was corrected.
Typing "T" just selects the type tool very briefly, then changes back to the previous tool. Clicking inside a text frame has the same result, even if you get to select some part of the text, it just changes back tot he previous tool in most of the cases. The only way to get it work, is to select the tool in the sidebar, however even there it takes several seconds to become active.
Using InDD 15.0.1 on a Mac Pro, MacOS 10.13

The fix of the issue is now available in the latest InDesign 2022(v17.0.0.96). We recommend you upgrade to the latest version for the fix.
If you are unable to see the update, go to the Creative Cloud application and click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.
Adobe InDesign Team
Anonymous commented
This is a great bug to have in a piece of software designed for TYPESETTING. FFS fix this already.
Anonymous commented
Really long "reviewing" :(
Adobe sucks -
John commented
And this is STILL a problem. How long before someone actually addresses the issue?!?
Anonymous commented
It's version 16.4..... September 2021.... and the issue still remains. Things like this that make me sorely tempted to quit using Adobe. Exorbitant yearly subscriptions and such basic issues unfixed for YEARS.
Tom Evans commented
has this been fixed yet? im tearing my hair out with it!
Ryplay commented
Switching off "character fonts" secttion in control panel seems to help, but... I need this section!
Doesn't it look stupid?
Help yourself if you cannot run by cutting of one of the legs? -
Jonas commented
It's been 4 years already the Issue still persist, isn't the point of switching to a cloud subscription supposed to make fixes for bugs like this faster to churn out?
Bumping up a work around that worked for me (mentioned way down in the previous comments) for those who're annoyed by this:
Disabling Character Fonts under the Character section in the Customize Control Panel window accessed by clicking the gear icon on the top right corner seems to fix the issue at least the Hotkey "T" now works but there's still a noticeable delay but at least it doesn't revert back to the previous tool used.
Anonymous commented
It doesn't seem like that issue has been fixed. I'm using the current version of InDesign and the issue is still happening! Please solve.
Gerald Tisch commented
I can't believe adobe hasn't fixed this bug. It's destroying my work flow.
Steve Laskevitch commented
With InDesign 16.2.1 the problem remains. It's clearly triggered by InDesign's failure to load the fonts from the "Document fonts" folder into the font menu list in the Control panel. I have many fonts installed (and Adobe fonts activated), likely exacerbating the issue, but I need those. I guess that ID times out and gives up switching to the Type tool and reverts to the previous tool.
Workaround: install the fonts in the Document fonts folder (if they're not already), then rename or delete that folder. Hopefully, the root cause is discovered and corrected.
Steve Laskevitch
Adobe Certified Instructor -
rizzyfashizzy commented
I just installed Adobe ID 16.1 today trying to fix this issue on an older version of InDesign. I'm on a Mac running MacOS Mojave 10.14.6.
When I first started using InDesign 16.1, this issue was not occurring but as I worked suddenly it started again.
The trick of going to the gear icon in the top right of the app, and unselecting "Character Font" worked for me too so far.
This has been happening for many many versions and it's been very frustrating and disruptive to workflows with editing copy. Hopefully this little work around lasts, but it would be great to see a true solution once and for all soon.
Karl Gustafson commented
I have 16.1 and this problem just started. Ridiculous
[update] the gear icon fix below worked for me as well.
Ben commented
16.1 and having this problem. Seen some potential fixes but not 100% sure how to apply them! Thanks for your input everyone.
[UPDATE] "At the top right, there is a gear icon. Click that and under Character, uncheck the Character Fonts option. This fixed it for me." - this appears to have worked for me also 👍
Anonymous commented
This just happened to me. Working on a document for a few days and this issue appears suddenly. I had recently installed some system fonts and several were bad. Uninstalled the bad fonts and it works fine again. I think it runs out of memory when trying to load the fonts when you switch to the Type tool. No idea why it's only when using the shortcut key though. Deactivating the Character tool set from the Control bar also works (since it isn't loading the fonts for viewing) but is just a workaround for a bad font.
Anonymous commented
In the text tool controll pannel,
"At the top right, there is a gear icon. Click that and under Character, uncheck the Character Fonts option. This fixed it for me."This worked for me too. Thanks someone.
Ryan commented
Removing the *Document fonts* folder (contents) worked for me too! Thank you, Steve & RV!
THIS IS A CRAZY-MAKING BUG! C'mon already, Adobe!!
Steve Floreani commented
Still not fixed. (Win Version 16.0.1 x64).
Removing the *Document fonts* folder (contents) worked for me - as suggested by RV on August 25, 2020 12:31 PM -
Christina Haugen commented
Having this issue in Adobe 2021 version 16.0, also had it in previous versions. Very time consuming bug.
Kim commented
After updating to ver. 16 I get this problem now!!!
Halil Karasu commented
15.1.2 user here. And having the same frustrating problem. It's "T" keyboard shortcut for Type tool. When i press "T" its type tool for 1 second and goes back to previous tool.