Changing font in Character Panel frequently causes a crash in Indesign CC 2018
Since 2018 version, changing a font in the character panel frequently crashes the application, but not 100% of the time. Font worked fine in older version and sometimes works fine in 2018, but the same issue has happened a good few times in the last week or so.

Hello All,
Thank you for your support all this while. The issue is now fixed in the latest update of InDesign.
Please upgrade to the new InDesign 14.0 from your Creative Cloud Application.
If you are unable to see the update yet, click on the menu (three dots) on the top right corner of Creative cloud app and click on “Check for App Updates”.
Let us know your feedback in the comment section.
Abhinav Kaushik
InDesign Team
Julie commented
This is happening to me too!!! I'm so frustrated. I thought the problem was my laptop, but I started using our desktop computer and I'm having the same problem all over. I have a deadline to meet.
Anonymous commented
This has been an ongoing issue for me for the last few months. When I try editing a character style it crashes. Just today, I tried moving a photo on a master page and it has crashed repeatedly.
MBP 2012, Sierra, CC 2017
Sean commented
In the space of an half an hour, Indesign has crashed whilst trying to change fonts. This has been a problem for me since changing to High Sierra (been having multiple crashes throughout Adobe software)
Anonymous commented
Happened to me since upgrading to Indesign CC 2018, before I was working with the 2015 version for years and never experienced any issues..
Anonymous commented
Happens to me too all the time! Super frustrating and delaying my work!
Anonymous commented
Any updates? Trying to change fonts in the missing font panel crashes InDesign AND crashes my computer. Using latest version of InDesign and High Sierra OS. Is happening with multiple files, all for different clients with different fonts in each.
Anonymous commented
Any update to this?
Anonymous commented
this is happening to me too - help!!
Kristen commented
Same. Thought it was because I was using a Google font?
Lissa commented
Three of us have the same problem. Different files, different fonts, different computers (all Macs). Trying to scroll to a different font can freeze it up/make it crash. It's a real pain in the patootie.
Steve J commented
Jan 22nd and the problem still seems to be happening. Changing from Myriad to Raleway (shocker) and the system crashed every. single. time. Such a pain. Any idea Adobe?
Carla commented
I was just trying to change a font to Myriad Pro Condensed — not an SVG font, not a variable font. BAM! Yet another crash report filed for the same ol' thing. Tough to make progress on a magazine!
Melinda Funk commented
Same problem since the newest version. Any resolutions to this problem?
tony holes commented
Same issue here. Affecting all of our Mac systems with latest OS (10.13.2) and version of ID (13.0.1). Works fine on PC. Adobe please fix.
Anonymous commented
Is there a fix for this yet? InDesign crashes every time I select certain fonts and it's making me unable to complete projects. Unbelievable.
Anonymous commented
Yup mine is doing the same thing on two different computers. Which is when I realised it must be an Adobe thing and not my Mac playing up.
It will either change the font and crash or it will not change my font - it just changes the font in the panel but stays the same as it was before. Highly frustrating. The eye dropper tool does the trick for me as a work around.
All files. Changing to Helvetica Neue.
Colton Ashabranner commented
I've also been having the same issues with the drop down menus.
Anonymous commented
I'm having the same problem, editing a character style has caused InDesign 13.0.1 to crash multiple times this morning.
Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6, iMac late 2012, font: Whitman. -
Pia Jansson commented
This happens to me too every time I use "find font" to replace old fonts, not only does ID crash, my computer also shuts down briefly and with that closes all open apps... there must be a bug. I've even saved the document as an IDML file with the same result. So to change the font I have to manually highlight the text.
Please fix this bug, it's a recent error that didn't occur before (last 3 months?).Mac OS Sierra v. 10.13.2. MacBook Pro late 2013
Dalton commented
I click the down arrow on font. When I click on the font I wish to select, Indesign crashes. It happens with all fonts including standard fonts such as Garamond, Helvetica and Impact. Also, sometimes the mouse does not let me click on other drop down menus, but the arrow keys + enter works.
Using: Indesign 2018.I have attached the Crash Report from the consistent incident.