InDesign performance issue: Text disappears while editing
When editing a text box, the text disappears.
I have to switch the display mode (Overview > Normal or Normal > Overview) to make the text appear again.
This bug occurs frequently (10~20 times a day) but I did not identify what is the trigger.
Version 2017.1
Build x64
Windows 10 x64
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We're happy to announce that the fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign - version 17.2 that is available to download from Creative Cloud Desktop application.
Please update to this latest InDesign version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
David Lowe commented
Maybe this will help someone, or not, but I too, on Mojave (10.14.6) had had that nuisance of disappearing type for quite awhile. In my case though I may have discovered a fix. InDesign preferences > type Un-checking "Font Preview Size" seems to eliminate the disappearing type issue, for me anyway. Setting that preference with no document open seems to fix it for all future new documents, but any previous file, when opened, the font preview size will be checked... and needs to be de-checked. (It seems like this preference sticks with the existing document no matter how defaults are set). So, turning that off on a one by one basis in existing documents seems to fix the problem. It has for me anyway....!
Ryan commented
Still having this problem as well. Countless times a day. A quick fix I've found is pressing "W" to switch to presentation mode and then back. This is an extremely annoying problem that must be fixed!!
Kilo commented
Still not fixed
Niki commented
I would like to confirm this bug (BigSur version 11.5.2 - InDesign version 16.4) that affects several files I'm working on (I noticed that it happens in files that have a consistent number of footnotes).
This thing often happens in this type of document, I tried to make an “.idml file” to see if I could solve the problem, but it didn't help.
For get around this very dangerous bug for the works, I usually extend beyond the margins, even if only slightly, the text frame that is empty. In this way the text appears again in the place where it should be, even returning the cage to its previous position.
This thing can happen randomly within these "files", always following any modification or correction made within the text taken into consideration.Please fix this bug in a short time because the jobs are seriously at risk: sooner or later by making a PDF it may happen to send a document to print with pages without the expected text (since it happens in different stages of processing). A file of this type does not give working certainties and requires checks that double the processing times.
tailoredpants commented
I have a brand new pink iMac and this is happening to me as well, in a very small and basic inDesign file. I am nowhere near my max RAM.
Abi commented
It's still happening, there is a glitch on the newest update of Indeisgn. The text keeps disappearing. I have an M1 brand new MacBook Pro and its happening the whole time, it's slowing my work flow down considerably. Please can you fix this glitch immediately.
Abi -
Anonymous commented
I confirm this serious problem that is costing me hours of work and embarrassment with the customer. It happens in books with many notes and it happens, at least from what I have observed, when a note is at the top of the next page. It needs to be fixed urgently.
Anita commented
I have a brand new iMac and using new Adobe software and this has been happening for awhile now. And Adobe support hasn't been able to advise on how to fix it!
Manny Lizarraga commented
M1 MacBook Air, OS X 11.4, InDesign 16.3.2 - This issue has been bugging me since I bought this laptop. Come on Adobe, it has been months. FIX THIS PLEASE!
Anonymous commented
Same highly frustrating issue on my M1 macbook air. Text disappears about every other edit. Need to zoom in and out to make it reappear.
Adobe you need to get this horrendus bug fixed immediately!
Document layout amateur hour. Is Word becoming a better alternative than Indesign?? -
Laurie Ruhlin commented
This is happening on my M1 Mac mini 16.3.2 big sur.
Tom commented
I, too, am having this issue on an M1 MacBook. Used multiple fonts. I have to Undo the typing or move the text box to make the text visible. Tried to upload a video, but I guess it is too large.
Further testing seems to be that it happens when I re-activate the text box to do further edits.
Whocares commented
Same problem here on Mac Mini M1, all latest software. Every text disappears after my first edit / input. Unable to get things done.
Racoon commented
Upgraded to the new iMac and this is happening to me too. SO infuriating!! It's taking me double the time to create a brochure layout! I tried downgrading to the previous Indesign (16.3.1) but still having the same issue. Please help.
CS commented
Since upgrading to an M1 Mac mini, I've been experiencing this issue constantly. Like others, I zoom in and out to see the text again, but it might only last a few seconds before it disappears again.
Anonymous commented
I'm getting this issue where when I make any changes to text within a textbox, like typing within it, cutting/pasting, editing, etc. the text disappears. Sometimes it'll come back if I click out of the textbox. Sometimes it comes back if I switch between normal and preview mode or when I zoom in and out.
I have disabled the GPU Performance settings in the Preferences and it works better, but the problem persists.
I'm running:
Mac OS 11.5.1
MacBook Pro (M1, 2020)
InDesign 16.3.2 -
Anonymous commented
same issue here.
M1, latest indesign.
text keeps on disappearing while editing it.
really su*** and that bug is a pain to work with.
Only solution I found out is to quickly zoom in and out again (alt + / alt -)Adobe, you better fix that!
richard rawlins commented
I used the overprint preview feature to text change and that works no glitch
Sharon Parker Cox commented
I'm using a new MacBook Air with latest InDesign update and having the same problem. I accidentally discovered a "fix" -- make text changes in Overprint Preview mode (View drop-down menu). So far, that is working for me.
John R (Grizz) Deal commented
I just realized Abhionav's response was from A YEAR AGO...what the heck happened to Adobe? This only started recently for me (M1 Mac Mini, Mac OS 11.4). I loaded Quark Xpress to get my work done. Works fine.