InDesign performance issue: Text disappears while editing
When editing a text box, the text disappears.
I have to switch the display mode (Overview > Normal or Normal > Overview) to make the text appear again.
This bug occurs frequently (10~20 times a day) but I did not identify what is the trigger.
Version 2017.1
Build x64
Windows 10 x64
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We're happy to announce that the fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign - version 17.2 that is available to download from Creative Cloud Desktop application.
Please update to this latest InDesign version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Penart Visuals commented
Please note: solution must be within the CS6 environment or it's useless. Some of us intend/need to remain in the NON- subscription environment for economic reasons.
Anonymous commented
I face the same problem, text disappears while editing
Ty commented
ABSOLUTELY USELESS AT THIS POINT. I use to brag on how awesome and reliable Adobe WAS and it has come back to absolutely DESTROY my productivity. I have filled in pages over and over and without fail for some redundant reason, practically ALL the text just simply disappears. Click on the doc, it reappears ONLY TO NOT BE THERE WHEN ATTEMPTING TO PRESERVE IT. How could this be the case with a company who is the forerunner of pdf's? I thought only video games were putting out half-finished software. Either Beta testing has become a lost art, or there is no concern for bug-ridden software and their discrepancies. Adobe? Do you use Adobe? If not, could you please tell the rest of us what software you trust with your docs so we can at least say you provided guidance which led to reliability? 7.99 a month for what again? 2years of complaints/reports and there's still no fix? Will the REAL ADOBE PLEASE STAND UP.
Rowena commented
Are there any updates on when this problem will be fixed? This is insanely irritating and is killing productivity.
Anonymous commented
I'm a single user running id14.0.3 and suffering from this very annoying and time-consuming issue. When is this going to be fixed?
Roger Schinkler commented
Still happening.... soooo frustrating. Slows down work
Lisa Wallington commented
Has this been fixed? I have a 220 Page magazine that it has just completed and it is doing it!! I a stressing out because my deadline is next week!! PLEASE FIXX NOWWW!! The below doesn't seem to work to make my text appear!
Doug commented
Here is a quick work around for the disappearing text problem. Open the "Story" dialogue box under the TEXT menu. Using the Optical Margin Alignment check box, toggle it each time the your text disappears and it will reappear. It's a pain in the back side still, but it's at least as quick and easy as any other fix and less obtrusive!
Brendan commented
Mine is doing the same, only text boxes remain with no text. Luckily I have a back up ID file which I save periodically so I can transfer all of the missing text across but this needs fixing as I'm working on a 60 page magazine and chunks of it which have already been signed off/completed keep vanishing.
Aman, I've seen your response asking for samples, the file I am using is over 40mb so I will just send you one of the pages affected, how it looked a couple of days ago and how it looks now so you can see the issue, I don't have a video of it but if I send you the ID files you will see the problem as the layers are still there in the layers panel but do not show in the document any more. I will also send them both to the email address above.
Matt commented
I too am having the same problem! Many thanks for the workaround of adding a stroke to the text boxes to make the text appear, it worked for me! Adobe.. please fix!
Aimee commented
When I type into my table or adjust the box the bottom half of the table disappears. This has only started happening after I recently upgraded to the newest version of InDesign (14.0.2 x64). I can type in other parts of the table.
I have attached a video of the issue.
Jay Hartwell commented
This has happened to me a few times. The text was there but for some reason simply disappeared, leaving only the blank text box. I've updated to version 14.0.2 hoping that would help.
Any other information on this would me much appreciated! -
V.T. commented
Here is one more video with more occurrences: -
V.T. commented
amaarora - it is very hard to deliberately recreate this issue, it seems to occur very randomly. But believe me, it is so frustrating when it decides to start happening, especially when I have to enter corrections into a large amount of text, it really slows down the work process.
Nonetheless I have managed to catch a couple of instances on video: first spasm happens at around 7 sec - on zoom change, and the other during text selection around 45 sec. I think it might actually have something to do with zooming in and out, since zooming in and out is also what makes the text reappear. That's how I tend to deal with this issue, but it's still terribly annoying. I've been wrestling with it for years, ever since I installed ID CS6 (which I still use). I'm on OSX El Capitain, but I also experienced this issue once when working on a Windows system in ID CC-something, so it doesn't seem to be system or version dependent.
I will email this to you as well.
Andrew commented
Hi, I've found text has disappeared from certain text boxes on mind but putting a black stroke around the text box doesn't work. Help please!
Penart Visuals commented
I have found one ******* fix is to Option+drag the text block and immediately Delete the dupe you created. Not elegant but it's fast.
Paula commented
Apparently this is still an issue that Adobe is not addressing. I just upgraded my MacOS to Sierra, and am running CS6 (NOT on cloud). I NEVER had this problem before, and now it's happening all the time. HELP, ADOBE! This totally SUCKS!
Barbara Walls commented
Jessie Kendall-Merks: THANK YOU! This solved my disappearing text issue. I selected all the frames on the page, changed the frame from none to Registration, then back to none. The text reappeared. The frames with a fill did not correct themselves, but that is far easier to redo than rebuilding an approved ad!
Lila108 commented
Penart, i agree. As soon as i install back up with ID installed, everything is ok. Then after some time it happens again.
Jessie Kendall-Marks commented
YES! I'm having the same issue — I open a week-old Indesign file, and text is missing randomly from text boxes only on certain pages (boxes look completely blank and I'm not able to highlight the text using my cursor / type tool). The only way I've found to "recover" the text is to select the text box and change the frame outline or stroke color to black, not only does the frame change to black — but, the text appears in black. Very weird. I'm working on a MacBook Pro, OS High Sierra 10.13.6 in CC 2019, Indesign 14.0.1 and the problem is repeated by my teammates in the latest Windows OS, running the same version of Indesign, but I think the PC version is called Indesign 14.0.1 x 64. Is it related to having multiple text and paragraph styles in the same document that might be conflicting? I see this text thread doesn't have many hits and will likely be ignored by Adobe. I wish there was a better way to report bugs with some resolution in mind. I would like to upload a screenshot, but there is no upload button.