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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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201 results found

  1. InDesign CC2023 forces paragraph in overset

    Since the update to InDesign v18.0 (CC2023) the first line of a Paragraph with custom Bullet (Numbering) text, gets forced in overset when the first word is longer than 8-9 characters. They don't flow to the next paragraph and there is still enough space to keep the word in the Text Frame.
    In the example you'll see two Text Frames with one with the word "Duurzaamheid" cut in two and the second in overset with no space between "Duur" and "zaamheid" wich forces everything in overset. In InDesign 17.4 everything works as desired. Uploading an InDesign-file was not possible so…

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  2. Issues with epub quality on the new 2023 update

    I'm a book publisher. I downloaded the latest InDesign update last week. I created the files and saved them like in the previous software. However, the vendors are all rejecting the epub files stating they're not validating in their epub software. I had to go redownload the prior version of InDesign, and it works like a charm. The glitch seems to be in the new version of the InDesign software.

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  3. Error encountered while reading TIFF image

    Adobe Indesign 2023 (v18).
    When render TIFF images from Blender using the Deflate (ZIP) option.
    All other compression options gives images with black background and no transparency.
    Up to v17 Indesign 2022 these images imported just fine.
    When doing a resave in Photoshop with no changes, the images imports fine.

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  4. Endnotes in ePub use identical id's where an id should be Unique

    When InDesign 18.0 and earlier versions make a reflowable ePub, the endnotes cause the file to be rejected when checked by The reason: each endnote reference is embedded in a span with an id twice, and the name or identifier of that id is the same. In HTML (which is the construct of an ePub) each id should be unique. You cannot have a HTML file with two elements with the same id-name. The next line can be found at the endnote reference, but a similar thing coccurs on the backlink, back from the endnote text to the…

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  5. EPUB – Endnote backlink issues for INDB files

    When exporting EPUB 3.0 (and 2.01) from an InDesign(2022, version 17.4) book file, endnotes only link in the first chapter where they are found. Subsequent chapters reveal <a> tags with empty href attributes.
    Backlinks are required by virtually all ebook publishers. For academic books, endnotes are essential and the request for EPUB formats is only increasing.

    So far Adobe Car's response: "Currently, we do not have a workaround for this issue other than creating a single document instead of book or manually modifying backlink in the exported EPUB file." This isn't acceptable or even always possible.

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  6. Installation Windows Surface ARM

    Make it work on ARM based processors. Bought a new Windows Surface Pro and shocked that your apps are not working...

    Please Please Prioritize this

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    InDesign Beta is made live on Win Arm machines for English users. Users having their language as EN, can now install and use InDesign Beta on Windows Arm based machines.

    Please share your AdobeID with us at so that we can help you gain exclusive access to the InDesign beta version on a Windows ARM machine if you are unable to access the beta app.

    Refer to the following articles for more information:



    Sanyam Talwar (he/him)

  7. Application Window 'resizes to bottom-half of screen' after waking Mac from sleep.

    There is an issue with Adobe apps while using Mac M1 with an external monitor. When put in sleep, the windows and palettes move to the bottom half of the screen.

    There are comments on this thread that confirm

    this is an issue with specifically Adobe apps(illustrator, photoshop and indesign at least):

    please, Adobe support, address this issue.

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  8. Turning on [Remove Blank Lines For Empty Fields] in Data Merge causes anomalies in the preview display

    InDesign 2022 v17.3

    1. Download and extract
    2. Open DataMerge-sample-Id2022.indd in InDesign v17.3.
    3. Make sure Remove Blank Lines For Empty Fields in the Content Placement Options in Data Merge panel is ON.
    4. Click Preview at the bottom of the Data Merge panel, or choose Preview from the Data Merge panel menu.
    5. Click on the navigation buttons in the preview to cycle through the data in the record.

    Expected Results
    Only the content changes. Each line retains its formatting.

    Actual Results
    If the content changes, the formatting of some lines will also change.


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  9. 23 votes

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  10. Type 1 font warning for no reason

    I am getting a warning that my document contains type 1 fonts (10 of them) when they do not (contains 4 OTF fonts).

    As far as I know, I have never used a type one font in any document on my current computer which is only a few weeks old ... Mac mini with t1 chip.

    InDesign version 17.0.1

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    The fix of the issue is now available in the latest InDesign 2023(v18.2.1.455). We recommend you upgrade to the latest version for the fix.

    If you are unable to see the update, go to the Creative Cloud application and click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  11. InDesign 17.0 crashes on launch after removing a previously installed CEP Extension

    Steps to reproduce in InDesign 17.0:

    1. Install a CEP extension folder manually to ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions
    2. Launch then quit InDesign
    3. Delete CEP extension folder installed in step 1
    4. Launch InDesign, it will crash when "Starting up panels"

    As a workaround deleting the following cache folder allows InDesign to launch again.
    ~/Library/Caches/Adobe InDesign/Version 17.0

    This was not an issue in ID 16.4

    InDesign 17.0
    Intel Mac running macOS 11.6.1

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    The fix of the issue is now available in the latest InDesign 2022(v17.0.1.105). We recommend you upgrade to the latest version for the fix.

    If you are unable to see the update, go to the Creative Cloud application and click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  12. Separation preview ink percentages wrong

    I just upgraded to the 2022 (v17) version of InDesign, and my separations preview percentages are blatantly wrong (e.g. what should have 200% ink coverage was showing up as 0% for every swatch). Even when it gave believable percentages of ink coverage, it still lagged significantly behind the 2021 (v16.4) version. My coworkers had the same issue, but when we reverted back to the prior version, we had no trouble.

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  13. problem with optical margin alignment and world-ready paragraph composer

    1. This happens in multiple versions of InDesign. I've reproduced it in ID CS 6 (, ID CC 2019 (, ID 2021 (, and ID 2022 (

    2. Steps to reproduce:
      (1) Open InDesign
      (2) Create a new empty document
      (3) Create a text frame that is 100 mm by 100 mm
      (4) Place Text4.txt
      (5) Go Type > Story > check Optical Margin Alignment

    3. Expected result:
      The left margin should be somewhat ragged because the * character needs to be shifted left to make the margin appear straight. The right margin should be completely even because each line ends with the…

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    The fix of the issue is now available in the latest InDesign 2024(v19.5.0.084). We recommend you upgrade to the latest version for the fix.

    If you are unable to see the update, go to the Creative Cloud application and click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  14. export to pdf destination folder changes after creating "share for review" copy

    After creating "share for review" copy, when I try to export to PDF, the "save to" destination folder changes to: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\Version 16.0-ME\en_US\Caches\Artifact
    I guess it's becuase the "share for review" feature creates also a PDF copy of the book. but it's annoying to be forced to navigate again and again to my project's folder.
    i'm using the latest version 16.3 (middle east locale). windows 10.

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    The fix of the issue is now available in the latest InDesign 2022(v17.0.0.96). We recommend you upgrade to the latest version for the fix.

    If you are unable to see the update, go to the Creative Cloud application and click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  15. [ID-4239165]InDesign fails to open or place files with long paths in Windows

    InDesign fails to open or place files with long paths in Windows. The "Long Paths Enabled" registry setting is enabled (i.e. it is set to 1). The problem affects several functions:

    1. From Bridge, Place > In Indesign causes "Script Alert: Error: Expected a reference to an existing File/Folder"

    2. DataMerge in InDesign: images with long paths are skipped, i.e. aren't merged. There is no error message.

    3. From InDesign. I cannot manually place a file with a long path through the “Place” dialog box. The dialog box will display the folder and thumbnails, but when I click the image to place it,…

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  16. Indesign M1 Beta expired

    The beta suddenly stopped working and won't allow med to access InDesign on the M1 machine, no update on the Creative cloud installer beta section, and removing and reinstalling the app doesn't solve it.

    Will there come a new beta update soon?

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  17. External Object 'lib:AdobeXMPScript' not exist!

    Try to execute the attached code in the screenshot.
    And you will this error:

    Error Number: 52
    Error String: I/O Error

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  18. voice dictation

    Macos Big sur 11.1: when using voice dictation in combination with Indesign, in a new simple document, nothing else open in ID: when starting voice dictation , text cursor blinking and already inputting text, after a few words ID crashes. Tried it 3 times, ID crashes each time.

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  19. Object States panel - Renaming is not working

    InDesign isn't allowing me to rename the different states in "object layer states". I have looked this up and there are a couple of other people who have posted about the same thing. I am running InDesign 16.0.2 and its on a MacBook Pro running the OS BIg Sur.

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  20. InDesign 2021 keeps crashing

    InDesign has crashed about 5 times since updating the other day. My team is also having the same problem. Mac and PC.

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