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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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403 results found

  1. Placing a Word document into Indesign not working

    When attempting to load a Microsoft Word document into am Indesign document All I get is the title then 3 blank pages. The word document is 43 pages, A5, long and contains some images. I am using Place and Shift Click to place it into the document. I have attache the word document here.

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  2. Wrong alphaphetic order in index

    Alphaphetic index order is wrong in Finnish InDesign 19.3.

    For example this is the result:

    Koivu, Jukka 143, 208, 209
    Koivula, Pauli 80
    Koivu, Saku 132, 142
    Koivusalo, Timo 110, 111
    Koivu, Tuire 143
    Kolmonen, Jaakko 17, 18

    Should be this:

    Koivu, Jukka 143, 208, 209
    Koivu, Saku 132, 142
    Koivu, Tuire 143
    Koivula, Pauli 80
    Koivusalo, Timo 110, 111
    Kolmonen, Jaakko 17, 18

    Also the W-beginnings word should be in own section, not in V-beginnings.

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  3. Mac OS. The floating windows for Text Wrap, Paragraph, etc. go blank over time.

    Mac OS 14.3.1. InDesign 19.3. The floating windows for Text Wrap, Paragraph, and possibly others go blank over time. The only way to fix it is to quit, and relaunch while deleting preferences. Then preferences have to be redone. This has been happening for several years, over several operating systems, many InDesign versions, and at least two different iMacs.

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  4. current page marker font malfunction if 3 digits or more

    The third digit and beyond in the "current page number" marker is distorted in certain fonts, and almost appears to be an old style number (shifted down and squished), even when I set the font's Figure Style to "Proportional Lining" under Paragraph Style > OpenType Features > Figure Style. In fact, it also seems to do it in automated footnote reference numbers, where control of the Figure Style doesn’t seem to work either. However, when I just type out the number using the same style, it appears correct. This issue appears to be in Adobe InDesign 2024 (19.3), but when…

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  5. InDesign 2024 - Home and New Docs Problem

    I have installed on windows the Adobe InDesign 2024 version. For several days, i've been having trouble opening the program because it doesn't show me the 'home' and doesn't allow me to create new documents, even though i can open documents that are already saved on my PC.

    What can I do?

    Thank you so much!

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  6. Shared destination URLs link back to old INDD files and stop working in PDF

    INDD 2024 v19.3 Mac
    I'm not sure if this is a bug or intentional by design but it has caused us no end of problems
    I create 1 working template - often this template is a recycled and updated file from the previous year. When approved by the client I then "Save as" with different names for different regions.
    Unfortunately when I do this, the "Shared hyperlink destinations" link back to the original InDesign document. When working with multiple designers across multiple machines, the links cannot be edited by anyone who does not have the original file so every hyperlink…

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  7. Margins not honored when duplicating pages

    When duplicating a page in a document with different Inside/Outside margins, the content of consecutive pages moves out of the margins.

    Create/Insert New Page works as expected though.

    InDesign 19.2

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  8. Color tags for pages in the Pages palette do not shift when page order changes automatically

    Color tags for pages in the Pages palette do not shift when the page order is changed due to changes in the text flow. Changes in text flow can add or remove a page automatically. A certain headline, for instance, then can move from page 19 to page 20. I wanted to tag the page that holds this headline. When text flow adds a page, the headline is moved from page 19 to page 20, but the color tag is still shown for page 19. It is not “linked” to the page content.
    This behavior is different from adding or…

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  9. Chapter number variable doesnt change

    I tried to make the chapter numbers automatic in each chapter, but it doesn't change; it just says "1" in all chapters.

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  10. Unable to Re-Order Master Pages

    When dragging Master Pages, you can no longer re-order them. In pervious versions, you used to be able to move Master pages to different spots in the order by dragging them between other pages. This feature no longer works. Please bring it back so we can have documents with some better structure and order.

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  11. Can't add a single page to the end of a document with spreads. Pages add at weird locations.

    When I try to add single page to the end of a document with spreads, either nothing happens, it adds a spread, the single page adds itself to the second spread instead of at the end, or if I try to delete a page, InDesign crashes. This on top of not being able to save PDF settings, and not being able to rearrange the "parent" pages.

    I'm reverting back to 2023. 2024 is nothing but bugs. Had enough.

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  12. No Way to Place Files Saved as "Cloud Documents" (.aic, .psdc, etc.)

    Why is there no apparent way to place files saved as "Cloud Documents"? Eg. I save an Illustrator file as a cloud document on my account (.aic, no local copy), but then there is no way for InDesign to locate that file and place it as a linked or embedded file.

    Illustrator has a button in the file picker window that allows selecting "cloud documents" instead of browsing local files, but there is no such button in the InDesign workflow (as far as I can tell). Photoshop also has a similar button (though only if you choose "Place Embedded", not…

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  13. Indesign Version 19 - Still can't reorder parent pages via drag and drop or otherwise

    Please fix this bug!! We used to be able to reorder the parent pages and for the last two versions it's impossible to do. This is necessary because parent pages can be used for elements that repeat throughout the document - like Appendixes. It would be nice to have them in order so that other designers will know what they're looking at! Thanks!

    FYI - I believe this is only an issue on Mac. A coworker using a PC has no problem.

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  14. Page Label Not Inherited from Parent to Document Page

    I'm assigning a page label to a parent page using by script like

    myParentPage.insertLabel("page", "products");

    When I insert a new document page based on this parent page, the page label is NOT inherited but just empty.

    WIN 11 Pro, ID 19.1

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  15. Indesign file shows as modified upon opening a page with placed PNGs

    1. InDesign 19.0.1
    2. Steps to reproduce: open an InDesign file with a placed PNG.
    3. Expected result: file opens, no asterisk appearing next to file name.
    4. Actual result: file opens, PNG re-renders in high quality, asterisk suddenly appears next to file name.

    As of this morning, every time I open a file that has placed PNGs, InDesign flags the document as modified, with the asterisk and asks me if I want to save the document before closing, even I made zero edits. To give even more credence, it only happens when I navigate to a page that has a linked PNG file…

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  16. Footnotes won't number sequentially; cannot select multiple or all footnotes

    When I place a Word document with footnotes into InDesign, the footnote paragraphs become separated from each other. I cannot click and drag to highlight text from more than one footnote, and I cannot use Command>A to select all the footnotes. Command>A only highlights all the text from the single selected footnote. Furthermore, the numbered paragraph style applied to the footnote paragraphs won't recognize that there was a previous paragraph flowing to it, so each paragraph is numbered as number 1. Even though "continue from previous" is selected in the numbering options. Also, the numbering style from Word imports as…

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  17. Page tool will not select a single page on a parent spread when Properties panel is open

    1. Create a Document with Spread and go to parent pages.

    2. Open the Properties Panel, select the Page tool and try to select a single page.

    3. Result: All pages are selected.

    4. Override: Close the Properties panel to be able to select a single page

    A similar post was reported in User Voice in 2021 it was not investigated and never got fixed.

    Discussion in Adobe Community:

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  18. Scrolling issues

    Scrolling up and down in a document and in the pages widow etc stopped working after v 19.0.1 was installed. Same with alt + scroll to zoom in and out. (PC/Windows).

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  19. Master page Items on left page missing when overriden on right page's master page when both master pages are based on the same parent

    OK, this bug is INCREDIBLY specific, but unfortunately is completely breaking my project. Example PDF below and INDD file in Google Drive folder here:

    I'm trying to make a multilingual instructions manual (A4, facing pages, 3mm bleed on all sides) with tabs on the page edges for each language. I have one master page "A-Gabarit" which has all the general layout elements and all the language tabs grayed out, and for each language, I have a master page based on A where I override the one tab for that language to color it black (so the EN master page…

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  20. Adobe must immediately prioritize the RENDER OF FILE THUMBNAIL PREVIEW of .indd file on Mac Desktop/finder

    How can a an application of visual asset creation not render a visual preview thumbnail on Mac OS Finder? This is patently absurd and frustrating beyond comprehension! Please prioritize the RENDERING OF A THUMBNAIL PREVIEW for all INDD Files on Mac OS!!

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