Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
403 results found
New document size issues
When I create a new document in any Adobe program (mostly InDesign) and select what size I want to change it to (whether it be custom or a print size), the size reverts back to a previous size. I have to do this 3-5 times before I get the size I want. It has been like this on the last few updates. I'm currently on the latest InDesign version 20.0 2025. Others I work with don't have the same issue and are on the same IOS (macOS Monterey 12.7.6) and InDesign as I am. Mac IOS and Adobe programs are…
2 votes -
New Document Preset Bug
When setting up a New Document, I am entering the custom width/height/margins/bleed settings I need, but as I click out of the fields, the settings revert back to the default Letter preset.
1 vote -
[ID-4256546]Bug when setting an even number as the start page number in a new document.
Bug when setting an even number for the start page number when creating a new document
Version of Adobe InDesign
CC2025 (ver. 20.0) JPSteps to reproduce the issues
Set any even number for the start page number on the Create New Document screen.Expected result
An even page number will be displayed in Current Page Number as set.Actual resul
The value set in the New Document screen will not be reflected, and “Current Page Number” will display “1”.
As shown in the attached figure, when “Current Page Number” is inserted into a new document with the starting page…
20 votesFix for this issue is now available in the latest InDesign Release version 20.1 (Build, available via Creative Cloud Desktop application.
Please update your InDesign application to this latest version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Greyed artboard
The artboard goes all gray after a while of not working on it. It is possible to to trick it back on by clicking the output/seperations off.
1 vote -
Overridden page items are still linked to master pages
Overridden items from parent pages are not really overridden, and may be silently deleted. Here is how:
- Make new spread document
- Go to Parent Page "A-Parent"
- Make a red box on left master page. Make a green box on right master page
- Add two pages to the document, page 2 and 3 is now a spread with a red and a green box
- Select the two pages in the pages panel. Right-click and choose "Override all parent page items"
- Move the green box from page 3 to page 2 by dragging it. Move the red box from page 2 to…
1 vote -
Items Dirty the Document When No Change To Doc Was Made
InDesign File Dirties On Open With No Changes
1) Open the provided file called Dirty File.inddRESULT:
The title bar shows an * in front of the name, indicating a change has been made to the file (it's "dirty") although no change was made. This is a problem,, as I wonder if my file is leaking memory or will become unstable if more items or pages are added to it.OTHER TEST #1:
1. Open the file Dirty File.indd
2. Open a new untitled InDesign document and save it as Doc2.indd
3. Choose Window>Arrange>Tile All Vertically
4. In Dirty…1 vote -
Pages of my 300-page file disappear
I recently took over the creation of my company's general catalog (300 pages), which I had previously entrusted to another graphic designer, who transferred the file to me. Since I've taken over the design of the catalog, I've run into a lot of different problems:
Sometimes, entire pages disappear. Sometimes, text and images are preserved and visible when I'm in “W”, but the background of the blank page is no longer visible. As a result, when I'm no longer in “W”, the page disappears completely.
Also, sometimes images disappear, for no reason at all, or strange shapes appear next…
1 vote -
Test internal page hyperlinks in presentation mode
I don't know if this can even be possible, but it would be great to be able to test internal page hyperlinks in presentation mode (command + W), so that I don't have to export the PDF every time to test them. It will be especially useful for interactive PDFs with 100+ pages.
Thank you!
1 vote -
Adobe Fonts messes with installed/added fonts
Indesign 2022 and 2024, Windows 10.
Steps to reproduce:
1. With "Adobe Fonts" not activated in the Cloud client, add fonts to Indesign's \Fonts folder and start. Good example font: Roboto. The is a truetype font from Google.
2. Use any of the added fonts in a document and save. Close the document
3. Activate Adobe Fonts in the cloud client and restart Indesign. In case any of the added fonts is also available on Adobe Fonts, they're overridden by the cloud font, as the symbol in the font list (Type menu), next to the font, changes once you open…1 vote -
Bug texto oculto
Ao inserir o texto para edição, mesmo que haja espaço na página, o texto fica oculto. Mesmo adicionando uma nova página em branco para seguir com a edição, o quadro de texto aparece em branco e o texto continua oculto. Esse bug ocorreu duas vezes durante a diagramação de um e-book em momentos aleatórios.
Em um primeiro momento pensei que fosse um bug com a quebra e página mas conferindo no "Editor de matérias" percebi que o problema não estava relacionado com a quebra da página.
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InDesign black screen after I disconnect from the external monitor
Black screen in InDesign after disconnecting from external monitor. If I close InDesign and restart it, it works again. But that's very annoying for my colleagues and me.
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Logical error: searching words in selected text with Find/Change unselects text
When using the Find/Change dialog to find text, there is an option to only search in a "Selection" of text. When the word is found, Indesign will mark that word, which would also unselect the text and no further search in the selection could be done. This is a logical bug.
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footnote end article in InDesign 19.4
InDesign 19.4 | Sonoma | Mac M2Pro
Incremential bug appears in article's note creation :
When created, the new line (n+1) is full of text of precedent note !
Line n become empty.1 vote -
Design flaw and bug: empty table cells can have a font assigned
Found in: ID 2022
If you have a table and put text into a cell, the text has at least one font assigned. When removing the text again, the cell becomes empty but seems to keep the font assignment, which is illogical. No text, no font. Later, if you open the document on another PC which doesn't have that font would cause a missing font issue for no reason.Even worse: going into the "Find/replace font" dialog you can find the empty cell with the missing font, but you cannot fix it, because Change or Change all have no effect.…
1 vote -
When duplicating page(s) the layout breaks
I'm on windows 11.
Since updating to 19.4 i noticed that everytime i duplicate a page it moves my whole layout around. It happens not only if i alt drag the page, also if i right click duplicate and when i made an alternate layout in the page panel. It also doesn't matter if i lock a layer. Everything gets moved a little bit to the right or the left, to the top or bottom. Sometimes it also slightly scales an image i believe. The only thing i can do against it, is copy the whole spread and paste it…2 votes -
Request: import of layers when placing a child INDD
At the moment, there is only the option in the extended Place dialog to switch layers of the placed child INDD on or off. Switching layers of a child object should be possible in the parent INDD. Would be way more convenient than right-clicking every child object and select the Layer options.
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Alert is shown on opening documents in InDesign(v19.4.0.63) - "This file is already open by another user or another application."
After updating InDesign to V19.4, I'm now locked out of many of my previous design files. I'm receiving the error, "This file is already open by another user or another application. This file may be stored on a network server and cannot be opened until the other user closes it."
I reinstalled V19.3 and can now access these old files but I would prefer to use the most up to date version if possible. happy to provide a sample if needed.
43 votesThe fix of the issue is now available in the latest InDesign 2024(v19.5.0.084). We recommend you upgrade to the latest version for the fix.
If you are unable to see the update, go to the Creative Cloud application and click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.
Adobe InDesign Team
Data merge not working for absolute paths on macOS
With the latest update of 19.4, image paths no longer work for merge documents. I installed the latest update, which went back to 19.3, and have had no issues; therefore, I have isolated the issue with the update. I currently usean Excell file with an image field and the path to the image associated with each record. I have not changed anything in the file but with the new update I get the error message indicating the file is missing.
18 votesThe fix of the issue is now available in the latest InDesign 2024(v19.5.0.084). We recommend you upgrade to the latest version for the fix.
Kindly update the data source file with the POSIX style path in Macintosh to work with data merge functionality smoothly. Please refer to the helpx to know more about the difference between HFS and Posix style paths.
You can get the actual POSIX path of a file by right-click it in the Finder while holding Option (or right-click, then press Option) > Copy as pathname menu. This can help you explore the correct POSIX paths to ensure you're using them correctly.
Note: Relative path as such /<foldername>/<filename> is no longer supported after the fix, as it considers the starting “/” as an absolute path. Instead, the recommendation is to omit the starting “/” and use <foldername>/<filename> instead or any of the other existing ways to access the…
Request: import of conditions of conditional text when placing an INDD
When placing an INDD in another document, layers of the placed INDD are imported, so content in the placed INDD can be hidden or unhidden. The same doesn't work with conditional text, but the principle is the same. Hide/unhide text, for instance in a table, by switching conditions. Handling this by using layers is possible, but way more effortive.
1 vote -
Some pages/spreads are turning black/gray and page numbers are registering as PB
When scrolling through a document, the backgrounds on some pages turn black/gray, and the page numbers on those pages register as "PB" instead of the correct page number.
Restarting InDesign did not solve the problem, and opening the file in regular InDesign also did not correct the problem. I could only recover the file by saving it as a .idml and reopening it.
1 vote
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