Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
56 results found
Index not listed correctly after converting IDML file to INDD
When I convert INDD files to IDML, and then I convert those again in INDD the index file disassembles completely the layers.
It seems to happen from the third level like in this example and the PNG file attached:
Chapter 5
1.1.2 can I avoid that, and let the Index keep the right list from the first conversion?
1 vote -
Index not listed correctly after converting IDML file to INDD
When I convert INDD files to IDML, and then I convert those again in INDD the index file disassembles completely the layers.
It seems to happen from the third level like in this example and the PNG file attached:
Chapter 5
1.1.2 can I avoid that, and let the Index keep the right list from the first conversion?
1 vote -
Tracking gets lost with IDML
Hi guys,
We use the IDML format to transfer data with our translation office. I realized when I open the translated IDML files again the paragraph styles which include values for tracking in paragraph or character styles lost these values.
I hope no ther settings in the styles are affected.Is there a workaround to fix this or is it already on the bugfix to-do-list?
1 vote -
CAT does not import an IDML which seems to have empty stories
Hi, I need to import the attached document into my CAT Tool. But, once the document is exported, it seems empty. I noticed that the files have empty stories; all the text seems to be stored elsewhere. This is the first I have seen IDML files like this. Could you tell me, if the designer have missed sth? Best.
1 vote -
hyperlink accessibility
Hyperlinks with alt text added in the accessibility section get lost when saving to .idml.
16 votes -
idml rechtecke verschoben
Beim speichern in der 2020 Version als IDML und dann dem Öffnen bei einer anderen Person, die die 2018 Version hat, wurden Breiten/Höhen geändert und das Rechteck ist verrutscht statt X/Y 0/0 auf 0,88/0,88.
Das ist für exakte Arbeit bedenklich und man kann dem System dadurch weniger vertrauen, es sollte also eine Lösung gefunden werden, sodass es in jeder Version gleich ist
Beim erneuten öffnen der idml in der 2020 Version, in der es gespeichert wurde, sitzt alles wieder normal wie vorher.
Vielen Dank und viele Grüße
Emely1 vote -
idml pasteboard
When exporting file from indd2020 to idml, the pasteboard automatically disappears. Whatever the pasteboard dimensions were before, it becomes 0,0 when converted to idml.
3 votes -
Hyperlinks lost after export to IDML
After exporting a rather large file to IDML most of the hyperlinks got lost. It's starts after ~page 110. After tha point only Hyperlinks in Footnotes or tables are preserved. Problem didn't occured in an older version of the project.
(Adobe CC, InDesign 15.0.2, Win 10)
1 vote -
file size 2020
Hi all, we have 2 issues that could do with some input.
on certain files exported from Indesign 2020 (15.0.2) to IDML, soft carriage returns are being added throughout our documents, it didn't do it from 2019?
On the Macs the Indesign 2020 file sizes seem to be at least 30% bigger than saving from 2019 (14.0.3) and different again if we save the same file from the Windows 10 versions. Is anyone else finding this?
1 vote -
Found a bug (in all versions of InDesign) where an IDML does not have the correct CustomGlyph string:
- Create a text box and select the font "Zapfino".
- Using the Glyphs panel, choose the character for the word "Zapfino" (which is GID 1059). Export to IDML. The IDML will open fine.
- Select the character again and change the font to Times. The character will become "uhorngrave", which is GID 1059 in the Times font.
- Export to IDML. Open the IDML and it will display as an invalid character.
The bug is because an IDML does not contain the Glyph ID and…
1 vote -
Inner glow size reverts to default value
When saving as Idml all inner glow effects size reverts to default value. This has been happening in all versions as far as I can remember.
I have attached two screenshots, one of the Indd file and one of the Idml file.
I am using version 15.0.2
2 votes -
IDML export corruption
This bug produces an IDML file with misplaced or missing elements.
It stems from having a second master page based on another master page.
When that second master page (based on another) is applied to a page in document, then saved as an IDML, the resulting IDML file will have misplaced or missing elements on the relative pages.
While viewing the second master page (based on another), choose Override All Master Page Items from the side Pages menu. OR, simply do not base any master pages on other master pages. The resulting IDML file will look exactly like…9 votes -
IDML Export Adding Feather Effect to Elements Randomly
After exporting .indd to .idml and reopening the file has gradient feather effect applied to linked elements. Even when there was no previous effect put on those elements.
2 votes -
IDML: missing Font Style property in Character Style after export
Version: InDesign CC 2020 15.0.1
How to reproduce the bug:
1. Create a Character Style with "Bold" Font Style and apply it to a word/character range
2. Save in INDD file format
3. Export the IDML
4. Open the IDML and you will notice that the bold property for the Character Style was lostExpected result: the Character Style should be the same as in the original INDD file
Actual result: the "bold" property was lost during the export process. The INDD file is fine.
I verified that InDesign CC 2019 14.0.3 is not affected by this bug.
16 votesThe fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – that is, InDesign 15.0.2.
Please update your InDesign application to get this fix.
Adobe InDesign team -
Exporting from Indesign. Default format is ALWAYS IDML
we are constantly exporting PDF's from Indesign to place in layouts. The last couple of updates, Indesign insists on having IDML as the default choice. It used to be once you export a PDF, the rest would default to the same format, but now Indesign just defaults to IDML every time & it is infuriating to open the folder that shud B full of PDF's and find one PDF & the rest IDML :>(
2 votes -
not able to package in InDesign 15.0.1 with Mojave 10.14.6
not able to package in InDesign 15.0.1 with Mojave 10.14.6
1 vote -
InDesign CC exporting idml's with errors not found in the indd file
When packaging InDesign CC 14.0.2 .indd files, the resulting idml file has content frames jumping around. The resulting packaged indd file looks fine, but in the idml content frames have moved resulting in images being cut off and text boxes shift cutting off text.
Process is simply packaging a working indd file with no particularly special settings. Package with indd, idml and pdf. This doesn't happen in every file, maybe 1 in 100.
2 votes -
idml shifts images in bounding boxes
We send both indd and idml file formats to asian print suppliers. depending on the adobe version the supplier is using we are finding images can shift within bounding boxes - cutting them off at the crop. Or text frames reduce – cutting off copy. This is an incredibly expensive discovery if it not caught in pre-press.
My team is sending hundreds of files a year to Asian printer suppliers. this bug occurs in about 1 out of a hundred files.
6 votes -
Incorrect stroke styles when opening CC 2019 document in CC 2018
This is not an idea. It's a bug. When opening Indesign files built in CC 2019, from either the INDD or IDML file, often times the stroke style does not translate properly.
For example, often a line or a shape with a 1px Black stroke will import with no stroke at all.
I have never had this sort of incompatibility with IDML files in the past. I do not use CC 2019 because it hangs on every move I make.
3 votes -
Export as InDesignMarkup (IDML) ignores the color profile
When exporting an indd-file as an IDML-file we've experienced a problem. In the original file there's an embeded a specific color profile (ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI)).
If we check the exported idml file we found out that InDesign ignores the specific color profile and resets the profile to it's standard profile (U.S. Web Coated (SWOP)) - which is not the desired profile and not suitable for our european print environment.That was the reason of some color problems with some printing stores or agencys we're working with in the past.
At this time we couldn't find a solution or…
4 votes
- Don't see your idea?