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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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144 results found

  1. Changing the transparency blend space between CMYK and RGB is not changing the Black swatch

    Changing the transparency blend space between CMYK and RGB is not changing the Black swatch to RGB, and vice versa

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  2. Table & mixed inks on InDesign 18.1

    I created a group of mixed inks from 2 Pantones (432 and 2995) in 10% increments (121 shades in total).

    I create a table with alternate backgrounds (FPGP2995 shades 1 and 12). Everything's good. But when I select the first line to change it to shade 121, it systematically puts it at 20%! And if I change the percentage, it selects PFGP2995, i.e. the ink group...and the line stays white! I am attaching screenshots.

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  3. eyedropper tool not sampling correct color or images color.

    Eye dropper tool has not been working in InDesign properly for weeks FIX YOUR ****. I cant take colors from images. IDK what it is doing specifically but it only seems like it is sampling text properties and solids not images. Its working perfectly fine in photoshop and Illustrator just not InDesign. Should not be encountering such a simple bug on a paid service

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  4. Illustrator to Indesign copy bug

    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, 22H2, fully updated
    Illustrator 27.2 + Indesign 18.1 + New douments with older content.

    Newly created gradients work fine, only data from old documents seems to have a problem.

    When I copy a box with an old gradient from Illustrator to Indesign the last color is wrong.

    Please Fix. Thanks.

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  5. Pantone swatches being removed

    I am currently using (and will continue to use) V 17.4 to retain access Pantone colours. I will not be updating my software as I need the Pantone colours to perform the basic duties of my job.

    Please do not remove Pantones from Adobe products.

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  6. Paper color should be RGB when document is RGB

    When I create a new INDD in RGB or convert from CMYK to RGB, the formula for the [Paper] swatch should change with it. Currently the [Paper] swatch is CMYK. This is causing an issue whenever I create a gradient from a vibrant RGB color to [Paper]. The vibrant color gets muddled down to the look of a CMYK conversion. The workaround I've been using is to create a custom white swatch for the gradient, or manually convert [Paper] to RGB. Both workarounds are less than ideal: having a second white swatch in the file may lead to confusion down…

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  7. Texts automatically in registration mark colour

    since installing version 17.3 or maybe earlier, every time you make a new text field the colour of the text is automatically in registration marks colour. Why is that? It used to be automatically black. I already checked the portrayal of black, it is set to be correct.
    I wish you would change it back to be automatically black, this is causing problems in printing especially if you're not careful enough when checking your document.

    Sorry my Interface is in german i hope you can still follow the recording.

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  8. Swatch gets duplicated when already in a Swatch Group

    Swatched get duplicated when importing objects with the same color swatch if the original swatch is in a group.

    To replicate the issue:
    1. Import an object from Illustrator. A swatch is created.
    OR Create a new swatch.
    2. Make a group with said swatch or swatches.
    3. Re-import same object from Illustrator. A new swatch will appear with the same name but ending in "2".

    Eg. Although a "C=100 M=0 Y=0 K=0" swatch exists (in a swatch group) the new object (which is the same as before) will create a new swatch names "C=100 M=0 Y=0 K=0 2". If…

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  9. Indesign 2023 does not use your working space

    I found out when making pdfs of black only images. It was making them 4c images which is wrong. I checked my color settings which were correct. The work around is to click assign profile and select your current working space. I tried the same layouts in 2022 and it worked just fine.

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  10. Swatches panel scrolls when selecting a swatch with wacom tablet

    InDesign 2022 v17.3

    Whenever I select a swatch using the pen on my Wacom Intuous the swatches panel scrolls randomly, sometimes scrolling so far that the selected swatch is no longer visible. This issue happens about 95% of the time while using the Wacom.

    Using the mouse or touch function on the wacom does not have this issue. This issue also doesn't affect any other panels within InDesign.

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  11. screen reproduction of color is spazzing out

    I'm trying to get InDesign to display colors correctly. I have synced all my settings with our printer, deleted a cache file (Users⁩ ▸ ⁨username ▸ ⁨Library⁩ ▸ ⁨Preferences⁩ ▸ ⁨Adobe⁩ ▸ ⁨Color ▸ ⁨ACEConfigCache2.lst) that was causing a problem, updated the program, restarted the computer—all the usual suspects. (Deleting the cache file worked for about one second—it repopulated the instant I re-opened InDesign each time).

    Now what's happening is that the appearance of color isn't stable. It changes between two looks, seemingly at random, as I click on things. I've attached screenshots of the two different ways that it…

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  12. jpeg export different RGB numbers

    I drew a blue box in indesign. colour #001f54
    Exported jpeg, the blue box is now #192451

    The file is set to RGB. No matter the profile or colour setting picked it exports as the wrong blue.

    I'm on 17.2.1

    I tried using 16.0
    And no matter what profile I get a different blue (#002055)

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  13. picture skin tones colour change to red when I import JPEGs

    Since I updated to ID 17.1, some colours in pictures – especially skin tones of blonde people – turn reddish, when I import them as JPEGs. Please find below an example of the same picture, saved as JPEG and as TIF (in PSD the colours are identical).

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  14. color swatch

    1. Adobe Indesign 2022
    2. Edit>Keyboard Shortcuts>Panel Menus>Color: Add to Swatches>Assign a hotkey. Select a color and use the hotkey to assign a color in the InDesign document, and it will 100% of the time crash the program.
    3. Expected result is to have the selected color swatch created in your swatch library.
    4. InDesign will crash/close.
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  15. HSB color not behaving correctly when applied to image

    HSB colors do not display correctly qhen applied to a (flat) grayscale image.

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  16. Swatch Tint becomes black in stead of white

    When adding a swatch color to a flat grayscale image, setting the tint makes the color darker in stead of lighter.
    See how the color preview behaves the right way, but the image does not.

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  17. InDesign: Changing color of TIFF

    Having an issue with InDesign. I've placed a TIFF file and its not displaying correctly when color is changed for BLACK only. See video attached. I can change the color percentage on any color but black.

    However, when a PDF is exported the changes are applied and display correctly on a PDF. This is a DISPLAY issue within InDesign. PLEASE HELP!!!

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  18. background

    Background colors (that should just be white) go crazy on tables and other pages until InDesign is quit and re-opened. There's no specific action that seems to trigger the issue, and it appears intermittently. This is happening on version

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  19. Icons in Colours-WIndow not really visible

    Since Indd 17.0 i cannot see if icons of Text/Outline Text vs. Frame/outline FRame are activated. The work, but its try and error

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  20. RGB to CMYK

    Make it easier to switch between CMYK and RGB. I'm currently in RGB and have no idea how to get back to CMYK.

    My document says that I am in CMYK but when I go to edit colours or use the colour tab at all, everything is in RGB.

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