Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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5168 results found
Review: different positions for different clients
Create design previews or reviews for individual page areas for different users. For example, for a larger production, customer X is only interested in page 15, customer Y wants page 3, customer Z is only interested in page 85 at the bottom.... =) Hope you understand the idea
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Make assembling a book from already existing ind files more user friendly.
Going through all the pagination requirements in each document in the book is crazy. Upfront should be options to pick and sync a style, create book page numbering with chapter/sections starting on odd pages, blank pages added or removed as necessary. A series of dialog question should suffice.
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Webroot is amongst the best antivirus software out there. It is used by millions of consumers across the world. Sometimes users report several issues like VPN is blocked by Webroot antivirus.
Once Webroot blocks the VPN, then it will restrict you from making a VPN connection. There are many antivirus programs available in the market, and most of them come with smart VPN services while others are overprotective, like Webroot. They block VPN connections that create issues for the users.
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Hello, it would be nice to be able to energize a table that allows for example to change a price in a single operation when you have a brochure or catalog in several languages. A bit like Excell with his dynamic crossovers. Cordial greetings.
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Kerning Tables
Can you please build in the ability to export a kerning table for a font that I have manually kerned so I can use it again and keep adding to it as new combinations come up. This is something that is really restrictive for the Typographers amongst us and one of the things that is still really missed from the Quark days. I appreciate your general optical setting but it's really only a start point for fine tuning.
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Ability to change Default to None when deleting a Swatch
When deleting a swatch, it would be helpful if there was a way to change the default 'Replace with' Swatch of Black to be None/another color so one could option-click the trash icon instead of having to select None from the drop-down each time (or make None a merge-able 'swatch').
We get a lot of files where there are multiple swatches that aren't in use but don't get removed with 'delete all unused.' I don't think I've ever encountered a situation where I wanted to replace with Black anyway.
If there's a way to do that already, please let me…
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1 vote
Chemin bibliothèque locale Indesign
Would it be possible to have the address locally in the "library" panel, as in the link panel? Indeed, CC libraries are handy, but 1 plugin in particular does not support them (EasyCatalog), and it is not practical to find local libraries when you have several of them.
Thanks in advance.1 vote -
Guide feature
I think any feature of guiding new people who are using for the first time will be very helpful.
You can also check this article -
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1 vote
File Lock auto-release
We have multiple editors working remotely, with a policy of locking a file while working on it. But we have a repeated problem of files being left locked at the end of the day, meaning others are unable to work on them. Please add a pop-up on closing a file which asks "do you wish to unlock?".
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Decrease row height and Column width on tables
Hey adobe, what's with the 1.058mm? Can we make please make it .5mm or 1mm. Thank you
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text anchor symbol easier to see
Double the diameter of the dots in the blue colon symbol used to represent a text anchor. Very hard to see compared with other symbols when "Show Hidden Characters" is turned on. And maybe move them a bit to the left so they're further from the beginning of the text anchor.
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Allow online document checking for all documents at the discretion of the user
Often a document gets 'slightly' corrupted. It still works, but you will get warnings about errors that cannot be solved (out of date cross references for instance) and InDesign crashes on a regular basis. But InDesign itself doesn't recognise the document as problematic. It would be nice to send such a document to Adobe's servers for a repair.
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One language for the app interface, another for the shortkeys
It would be G R E A T if you could install the english version of InDesign, but use shortcuts for a non english keyboard, since many of the english shortcuts don't work when you use a non english keyboard.
This is actually a problem in all Adobe apps and not just InDesign.
Please don't tell me to switch to ENG in Windows 10 since I want to be able to type in swedish...
And don't tell me to manually go through all shortcuts and change them one by one. I shouldn't have to do that every time I install…
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Align operations on selected anchorpoints from different frames
When selection a series of individual anchorpoints from different frames, I would like to be able to perform operations from the align-window (like distribute centers). Thus making it possible to shape a series of frames in one go. I.e. when you would want an angled side to a series of frames.
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Publish online
Hello. It would be good if when publishing online the filename of the current open file is on the tittle by default instead of the last uplodaded file. (windows 10)
Thank you
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Integrated controls for styles
I think it would be more intuitive to integrate styles in with the manual controls they go with, especially for character and paragraph styles, like so:
-slide the panel left to see the current settings and make manual changes, slide the panel right to switch to a new style.
-When you look at the manual controls, every element has an icon to show that it is matching a style, and another icon shows if an override is applied.
-click an override icon to remove that specific override1 vote -
Changes to the review tools
First, I'm using ID 15.1.3 and I cannot upgrade at this time. Not sure how much of these ideas would be resolved by upgrading.
-Is it possible to make pins and pencil lines transparent? There are two ways I can think of: a percentage slider just like alpha control in color settings, or a three point switch: hide/semisolid/solid. Either way I would like to see this as a control for each comment so you can choose it individually. Right now the pin or pencil line blocks the art somewhat, which is where the transparency would be handy.
-Right now, you…1 vote -
Revert to original, efficient New Document dialogue box.
An option to revert to the old, more compact and efficient "New Document" window.
There are 8,342 awesome ideas of additions and updates for InDesign on this site, yet someone took the time to make this new interface... If you have used InDesign for more than 1 day you don't need this. It is huge, and inefficient. There used to be an option to revert to this style but it is gone now.
Efficiency is KING in InDesign. If we wanted a clunky, chunky UI we could use a Microsoft product ;-)
1 vote
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