Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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2. Why is this valuable to you?
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584 results found
Saving files - please have just filename selected, not extension
This used to be how it was, I can't tell you how much time I waste selecting an insertion point to rename the file.
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Reinstate option to hide Application Bar
This option has been removed in 2020.
Application bar has virtually no functionality, and wastes valuable space on screen5 votes -
Improve UI Efficiency of Styles Panels
The UI of the styles panels is way too spacious in some areas and, as a result, way too compressed in other ways.
The panels have to be stretched wider than they should just to read all the text.
Attached screenshot has a before-and-after with analysis and proposed redesign.
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Add ''SAVE ALL'' and ''CLOSE ALL'' into INDESIGN ''File MENU''
Add ''SAVE ALL'' and ''CLOSE ALL'' into INDESIGN ''File MENU''. Using Indesign for years and years, I never see that the shortcut exists ! And past many time saving or cloqsing file by file. Don't you thik it could be a great idea to code it inthe FILE MENU of Indesign... It could be great when using Books and many files at the same time.
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Split screen on mac os
please allow split screen view on the MAC OS. I am constantly working across programs like indesign and word and this would be very helpful
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Change link page in link info tab
Allow me to change the page in the link info panel instead of having to relink each page.
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Manage Recent Files List - It's useless if you run a Book operation!
The Recent Files list gets FILLED UP with chapter files if I run a Book operation. All my other projects get pushed off the list, even though all I did was re-paginate a book. This makes the Recents list useless! Please fix this!
The Recent Files list MUST BE MANAGEABLE if it is to be useful. Files get "touched" for very trivial reasons, sometimes just to look at something in the file. This results in an almost random listing of Recents. Please understand how a Recents list can be useful -- don't just blindly list files by "changed date".
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Save INDD file in previous version INDD (e.g. CC 2019 can save in CC 2018)
It would be great if InDesign can save INDD file in previous version INDD (e.g. CC 2019 can save in CC 2018). Yes, I know about IDML but it's not exactly what I need.
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Show version number in Windows
The version number is always visible in the top of the application window on MacOS since CC 2018. However it is not present in the Windows version of InDesign or InCopy.
This is a great tool when you are troubleshooting and I would love to see it in the Windows versions as well.
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Indicator to show that there are locked objects on the page.
There should be a small red lock-symbol somewhere to show, that there are locked objects on the page. It sometime happens, that I want to select and copy all objectrs to a new page or document and locked objects are missing there.
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Add Custom Commands with Custom Shortcuts to Keyboard Shortcuts Menu
There are certain actions that I'd like to create shortcuts for, but the commands for them aren't listed in the Keyboard Shortcut Menus. For example, setting a keyboard shortcut for the various aligning objects. Aligning text is an option, though. Not what I need.
Everyone's workflow is different. There are commands that I'll just never use. So, freeing up individuals with the ability to create custom commands, which can be suited to their unique workflow would immensely help individual/company productivity. Custom workspaces exist, custom keyboard shortcut sets exist, let's have custom commands too!
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Show Ink Manager settings in the Swatches panel
Show Ink Manager settings in the Swatches panel
Whenever we use Ink Manager to convert spot colors to process colors (1) or define one spot color as alias for another (2), this should be visualized in the Swatches panel so whoever edits the INDD can immediately spot (ha!) that changes have been made and fix them if needed (instead of shedding tears over inexplicable output results).
(1) Replace the spot icon by a “ink-managed” process icon that can be distinguished from the “native” process icon.
(2) Replace the spot icon by the alias icon from the Ink Manager dialog.
Make…5 votes -
CC Library Keyboard Shortcuts, or TextExpander feature
CC Libraries exist to make it fast to add pre-built content to an INDD. Text does not have a quick way of placing inline - you must right click and click place content. Annoying when doing hundreds of times.
Two solutions:
1. Right clicking on a library element should have "keyboard shortcut" adjacent "rename". When a keyboard shortcut is added, show that shortcut on the right side of the element in the CC Library panel.
2. Add 'text expander' feature. Right click on a text library element and have option for 'expand text on...' where a unique phrase can be…5 votes -
Annoying dialogs, option to “don’t show again”...
Is there some universal way to turn off unnecessary dialogs?
For example when I click to publish a document for online, I get an annoying dialog that says "Are you sure you want to update..." (see attached).
Why is this dialog necessary? I can just re-publish if there was some mistake. It just slows things down. Some dialogs like this do have a "don't show me this again" option, but not here... why?
In general, I find the plethora of "Do you really want to..." dialogs disruptive and unnecessary. Except for something critical, or something you can't undo, why do…
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Fix the repetetive crashing that's been going on for 3 days
- See above
- Am losing a lot of time and some of my work.
Please would you look into this. One app crashing every 15 mins. Am on Win 7 Pro, Indesign CC. Thank you.
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Glyphs accessing
Just like MS WORD, to assign keyboard button(s) for a glyph that I use frequently and not accessible in my keyboard, the glyph palette is good, but in this case it is very awkward to use it. MUCH THANKS ADOBE BRAINS!
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Workspace – I have to re-create my workspace every time IND updates. Why?
Why can't IND remember the Workspace settings? Why do I have to go into preferences and move the windows around to the way they were before the update. This must be fairly straight-forward to implement, surely.
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5 votes
Allow file paths to be copied from the Missing Images pop-up window
When creating a Merged Document using Data Merge, InDesign displays a pop-up window if it detects any images missing from the Data Source. The Missing Images pop-up window lists the file paths of the missing images. In older versions of InDesign, the file paths could be copied directly from the pop-up window. This is no longer possible with the latest version of InDesign.
Being able to copy lists of missing image paths directly from the Missing Images pop-up window is valuable to me because I frequently use Data Merge to make merged documents containing tens of thousands of images. My…
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Enough blue, pop-up bubbles — It’s interruption and torture.
What’s much more useful is a tour of new features in each release. This could be standalone / outside the app. Thanks!
5 votes
- Don't see your idea?