Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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747 results found
Numerazione automatica
Bisognerebbe implementare la numerazione automatica delle pagine, potendo scegliere se applicare numeri pagine pari o dispari.
Questa esigenza viene dal fatto che, quando si hanno due file di numero uguale di pagine ed un file è il fronte e l'altro è il retro. Per comodità di lavorazione i file di bianca e volta vengono realizzati separatamente e poi montati su file di stampa. La numerazione pari o dispari potrebbe venire scelta al momento della creazione del file oppure nella sezione di inserimento testo. Allego ipotetiche immagini.1 vote -
Convert hidden hyperlink destinations to endnotes?
I want to create, from an InDesign file, a list of the hyperlink destinations, and at the same time create footnote callouts in the text after each word that is formatted as a hyperlink. I want to format the normally invisible hyperlink destinations as endnotes. Possible?
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Add a counter symbol similar to the "current page number" marker.
It would be very useful to be able to insert a special character (similar to the "current page number" marker) that makes a digit counter, starting with 1 and then iterating upwards for each time it's inserted.
I know there's a workaround to sort of do this with numbered lists, but that's very limited, especially if you want the counter anywhere except the beginning of a paragraph.
I'm currently working a book that has many images with captions, that ends with the number of the image, like this: "Lorem ipsum dolor… [15]". If "15" where a simple character that counted upwards…
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Make Single Line Composer the default selection, please
Every time I receive a layout from my designers, I have to highlight and change every single block of text on it from Adobe Paragraph Composer (the work of the devil) to the controllable sanity of Single Line Composer. Who in their right mind wants the computer to be reflowing text that they have already edited?
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Eindnoten komen niet meer aan het einde van de tekst bij het importeren van een WORD document, maakt een nieuwe pagina aan.
Bij de vorige versie en ouder was dit niet zo.1 vote -
Bad visualization
Hi. Many times I delete a text and the visualization is not good. I do not know if this is the place to comment on it.
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A strange space at the beginning of each line after the first letter.
I occasionally encounter a strange and annoying bug, which sometimes also causes me damage to clients. After the first letter at the beginning of each line, a space is created, and I can not undo the space.
Please solutions
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Removing the 1 point minimum value between tab stops
When setting tab stops next to each other Indesign has a minimum value of 1 point between stops.
This is too much in many cases.
For instance if you want to have hanging quotation marks using tabs this minimum value makes the distance too large in most text sizes.Please let the user define the minimum value freely.
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Make “Undeline Options” in the Character panel maintain the last settings.
Please make “Undeline Options” in the Character panel maintain the last settings and apply those to each new underlinining, as opposed to resetting to the default every time. As this makes us users have to go into the Character dropdown for “Undeline Options” and set the distance and with over and over and over and over again ... Yes, applying styles may take care of this problem but I don’t alway bother to create styles for each small project. Thank you!
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Strip Newlines from Cross-References and Table of Contents
When taking some headlines that have newlines in them, cross reference also keep inline newlines in the text they output. This can also occur in table of contents.
It would be nice to have a checkbox that would strip newlines from these.
There is also a bug where if a heading's style changes in the middle of the paragraph (I have a box with a smaller heading and then a colon with a subtitle afterwards eg. "Abilities: Learning to Stack Techniques", the text before the colon and the text after have different styles), sometimes the cross reference will output that…
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Correction in Dictionary Criteria for Hyphens (Portuguese)
Most of hyphenation in Portuguese splits sylables from two consonants in a row (r-r, s-s Ex: 'car-ro', 'profis-são'), but this is not true for nasal sounds formed with the letter H (lh, nh) and I see myself having to review this hyphenation constantly. For example, the correct hyphenation is 'traba-lho', but inDesign usually hyphenates 'trabal-ho' (which is incorrect). It is a simple addition to the program that could save a lot of reviewing time.
There are some other issues too.
Could you please check that out and review the hyphenation rules as of grammar? Portuguese has quite a bit of…1 vote -
Issue when Step and Repeating Text Centered in Box.
When i have text centered in a text box and hit step and repeat the text shoots up to the top of the text frame. No text wraps on any files - Text still says centered in box under text frame options. ????
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Paragraph adjacent to the previous without indentation
Such a paragraph model exists in some word processors. It's not always convenient to add the same nested styles to a dozen different paragraph styles.
Also, this feature would solve some other problems (for example, you could create a list in one paragraph)
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Markierter Text
Seit dem letzten Update reagiert die Tastatur seltsam.
Markiert man in einem gewöhnlichen Texrahmen ein einzelnes Zeichen und schreibt ein neues ist alles wie gewohnt.
Sobald man aber zwei oder mehr Zeichen markiert schreibt InDesign erst beim zweiten Zeichenanschlag. Das erste eingetippte Zeichen wird also immer unterschlagen, sehr nervig!1 vote -
Show Hidden Characters
When you have "Show Hidden Characters" turned on, we don't really need to see the hidden characters of the type that's on the Master Pages.
The reason I'm asking that is that with this option turned on, it interferes with my ability to read small type that's on the Master Pages.
I mean, if I'm looking at a Master Page, sure it could be on, but if I'm looking a the regular pages with that feature turned on, I usually don't need to see those hidden characters of the type that's on the Master Pages.
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spelling 'withholding' in my document is causing the letters to collapse making it unreadable
No, idea, this is a bug.
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Overhanging glyphs
Gentlemen, this may be covered already, but it annoys me that when the letter “f” and maybe others appear in a justified paragraph they overhang the right margin. I believe the same may apply to the left margin with a few glyphs in italics.
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1 vote
Provide better keyboard support in Story view.
Provide better keyboard support in Story view. Currently PageUp and PageDn and other scrolling keys don't work, and I am forced to use the mouse for long-distance scrolling.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?