RTL support in Adobe Composer (not Adobe World-Ready Composer)
Adobe's Ready World Composer is designed to provide a solution for RTL languages, such as Hebrew and Arabic. But lots of InDesign features don't work at all. (OpenType by Frame, Flush Space, Optical Margin Aligment and more ...)
Instead of fixing this composer, I suggest that the regular composer also will support RTL writing.

חיים ברוך לבי commented
This is very critical and our company requires it.
Oso Bayo commented
Needed ASAP!
יהושע דיין commented
Needed immediately!
אבי טל commented
אבישג מוריה בנאי commented
יעזור מאודדד
יחזקאל גרין commented
שלום דובער ברוד commented
חייב לעשות את זה בדחיפות
יעזור מאד -
Heli Daniel commented
There are many bugs in the Hebrew version
Anonymous commented
Please fix the RTL problems (Hebrew support) in Indesign 2024. This is very disturbing.
נטע דנינו commented
The disruption in the Hebrew language creates glitches
א ל commented
צורך קריטי
א ל commented
דחוף דחוף
Joel Hakoune commented
It's practically impossible to use RTL since version 19. It's really crucial to solve all those issues ASAP. For instance, when i place the cursor at a certain place in the document, i use the right/left arrow to move to the next character, it simply jumps to another line!!! It's impossible to edit text like that.
Thanks. -
Eden Bouhnik commented
I uninstalled 19.1... Stuff dissapeared when exported to PDF.
Manya Hillel commented
i don't understand why i should pay full price for a flawed product - the world ready text composer has so many drawbacks!
טלר תקשורת commented
I had to cancel the upgrade of the latest InDesign version due to issues with the Hebrew language. Please fix them soon. Thank you.
יעל מור commented
very important to fix all problems
Rainer Klute commented
Adobe did not solve the problem but published a way to get back to the old Engine:
https://helpx.adobe.com/de/indesign/kb/shaping-engine-world-ready-composer.htmlAnd my fellow colleague Gregor has put the two scripts mentioned on Adobe's site into one to make it more comfortable to use them:
תמר בן בסט commented
The last version of InDesign with the new language engine is terrible. It cost me 3 hours of work to retrieve files from the older version after the new version damaged them. Please go back to the previous engine or we will not be able to update InDesign ever again!
Moshehai atoon commented
The text engine for the Hebrew language encountered serious problems in relation to the English language. Please replace the language engine.