Add New Tags for accessibility PDF creation
there are few default tags only available for export accessibility PDF, if we need to add "quote" tag there is no options please include.

Florian Zech commented
As instead of adding a few more tags to the list it would be better to allow the user to write in a individual-tag name. For ePub-Tags it is possible. Why not for PDF-Tags?
Anonymous commented
this would be a necessary function for creating accessible documents!
i miss especially the note-tag -
Kory Spain commented
I would think just adding all the tags available from Acrobat into the design software would create a huge win for workflow. Having to go back into the PDF in Acrobat and adjust those tags is a pain point.. especially now if you need to make an edit and re-export the PDF. Please fix this Adobe! :)
Raja G commented
@Adobe: any update to this request?
Sunni commented
The number of Federal and State Government employees in the U.S. alone that are required to make all documents 508-compliant should be enough to make it a priority to fix accessibility issues in your products. Please accommodate us, just as we have to accommodate our readers.
Victoria Stempleman commented
I work in health care and we are required to make our documents 508-compliant and accessible. This would save a lot of time when designing a document.
DC commented
Ditto what Bevi said. The tags available, particularly when mapping styles to tags, is not sufficient to produce PDF/UA deliverables.
Sarah Howe commented
Mally commented
I want this feature.
Bevi Chagnon | commented
We need to set the block-level entities of the PDF/UA-1 tag set in InDesign. Right now we have a skimpy choice of headings, <P>, and Artifact. We need these other available in the Export Tagging style definition:
Block-Level for Paragraph Styles:
<Note>Inline Character Level for Character Styles:
<Span> (yes, folks, we sometimes need this *&^%$ tag)And Container/Grouping tags (document-level tags)
<Art> done now through Articles panel, but need option to designate it manually