Select All Across Pages
PLEASE create an option to select all objects or text over the entire document instead of just the page/spread you're on. Making a universal change to the document, such as outlining the type is such a pain having to manually change from page to page. I've seen MULTIPLE threads online for the past 8 years of people requesting this, and it hasn't been resolved.

KawaiiChikkie commented
Wish they had this feature or some version of it.
Jake Hammersmith commented
It's pretty obvious that the management of Adobe's InDesign team has no way to evaluate the significance of these problems and improvements. They're probably driven by marketing much, much more than by user feedback. After all, marketing addresses people who have NOT YET bought the product, while product improvement is only valuable to marketing in a very theoretical, long-term manner. So don't expect any posts on UserVoice to have an influence unless they'll produce something to ADVERTISE. Improvements and fixes are very low priority. Every 5-10 years they do a superficial clean-up of ancient postings and call them JDI projects (Just Do It). If they did JDI's every year, it would take several years to catch up, but the motivation is so low that design defects like this one, or formatting text variables, etc., may well never get done. So disappointing. When a viable alternative comes along, thousands of long-term users will abandon ship for a younger, more motivated development team.
Denham Pereira commented
14 years!!!! And still nothing.. is there any point in having these forums for people to voice their frustration? or is it just that.. a place to come and vent?
Yet we are charged monthly .. who are they paying with our subscriptions? -
Helen Johnson commented
Please make this a feature, surely it doesn't take 4 years to develop!
Arthur Sanches commented
"what can we do to be more likely to recommend us?"
Hearing your clients and stop charging extra for default things, like pantone, is a good start. -
Rangel R. Morais commented
Years and years and adobe is making us look like fools for asking basic features
Stephen Moore commented
This needs to happen, iot would be super helpful and I cannot even believe it's not an option
Jake Hammersmith commented
This is an absolute MUST HAVE feature. And the "swapimages1.js" functionality should be a native capability -- swap ANY TWO OBJECTS (for starters) and ROTATE ANY MULTI-SELECTED OBJECTS (swap their positions by rotating through the selection sequence).
I'll post a separate UV for the SWAP feature. Although I may have already asked for it....
Anonymous commented
Now that David Blatner mentioned using the swapimages1.js script in his talk at this year's MAX conference, I'm sure even more users would benefit from being able to swap images between different pages. To do that, we need to be able to select multiple objects across different pages. Thanks!
Jony Lamento commented
It is very very important
Tomas barta commented
Joseph Zolman commented
Posted 4 years ago. waiting...
Zak Mckellar commented
Please add this feature Adobe Team. I have been given a document with 80 or so pages where text styles have not been defined. All I want to do is change the colour of identical title blocks across all 80 pages. Unfortunately I cannot shift+select them all at once to do so. There is potentially a way to do so utilising the find/change tool and character styles but is overly complex for what should be an incredibly simple adjustment in any other software. There are many such instances like this which make InDesign a nightmare to use for basic projects.
Nora Chuff commented
PLEASE. Selecting page by page is so tedious. I don't understand why this doesn't exits. I am trying to migrate one existing doc into another with a different layout right now and I would really really really like to select all of the images to scale and change fitting options...I guess I'll just have to go page by page (x78).......
Chawki Chahed commented
When you deal with a 300-page document inherited from colleagues who have not defined style sheets, and you have to process that document in another language, say from English to French and you want to keep all the layout, don't tell me you ahve to go to 300 pages and select all the text frames to change them into French... come on, it's **** obvious!
Russ Buchmann commented
POSSIBLE WORKAROUND... Depending on what you are trying to do, I may have found a solution. It helped me, at least. Your mileage may vary, and I think a "Select All Across Pages" would be helpful—especially if you could filter it to types of objects.
Anyway, I was able to use the "Find/Change" dialog to easily FIND all TEXT frames that had a particular character style applied ("none" in this case) and CHANGE them to the desired character style. This allowed me to change the font style, color, size, etc. if no style was applied.
Looking at the Find/Change dialog, it seems like you can also FIND/CHANGE based on OBJECT styles (and now even by COLOR) and do something similar.
This requires finding and identifying your target(s) in some way and using styles to make the changes. However, it saved me a bunch of time compared to manually selecting a single text frame on 62 different pages.
Apologies if someone else already suggested this.
Anonymous commented
Edit: This feature should be called "Select Across Pages". Most of our requests concern instances in which we would like to select two or more objects across pages, e.g. in order to apply a script to them. The "Select All Across Pages" would be a logical conclusion from that, given that you hit Cmd+A on a document.
Anonymous commented
Agreed. Please make this a global option. My case: I often need to swatch images during layout. If I could select image frames across different pages, that would make my process so much easier! Thank you for taking care of this.
Vincent de Kooker commented
PLease make so that you can selct all objects in the document.
Nick Poe of Tall Pine Books commented
It's actually insane that this is not a feature. When a client wants to change the trim size on a 300 page document, it means 8 hours of **** resizing individual text frames to fit new margins.