Please add proper standard printing condition(s) and icc-profiles
Adobe, please change the standard color presets for printing to the proper standard printing conditions and profiles that are published by the European Color Initaitive ECI ( The icc-profiles are publically available.
Actually, Adobe still uses outdated FOGRA39 characterization data by default, second Adobe applies FOGRA39 in an own icc-profile that differs from the standard-profile by the ECI.
FOGRA39 is outdated, it's been replaced by FOGRA51 since years, for good reason. ECI has published the corresponding standard ICC-profile "PSO coated v3", which should find it's way into Adobe's color settings. Please integrate the official ECI-profiles, because these are highly optimized by professionals for printing and color.

emil auster commented
Dear Adobe, It will be highly appreciated if the European CMYK reference standard content of CC's suite color settings is updated to the new icc profile (PSO Coated v.3) developed by and based on Fogra 51 data characterization. It's already 2 years since Fogra 51 has replaced Fogra 39, which is still published in Adobe's products. It is clear that Adobe respects current color reference developed by the US IDEAlliance organization but we in Europe have a little bit of other color perception and we find it unnatural that Adobe does not take into account requirements in the European market. Your sincerely
Anonymous commented
Please don't be Quark
Anonymous commented
I totaly agree this feature request. Please put FOGRA51 or PSO coated V3 in the preset defaults.
F Wi commented
It is unfortunate that Adobe regularly updates its software but fails to take up current standards in its products. The ICC profiles of ECI are based on the printing substrates used today. Adobe prevents with its outdated settings the best quality in production. Appeal to Adobe: Integrate the latest ECI ICC profiles!
Steve Smiley commented
I provided a petition like the with 450 brand or large premedia users, adobe told me they don’t care about print, refusing to update to odfficial ISO profiles
Max commented
I would highly appreciate it, if there would be at least an import option somewhere.
Digging around in Finder/Explorer to drop profiles into the correct folder is very inconvenient.
Needless to say that an implementation would be the best solution. -
Per Marklund commented
Yes! Adobe should upgrade to Fogra51/52 because they are better matched against M1 and today's whiter paper qualities with optical brighteners. You get better results in proofing and printing with Fogra51/52.
Anonymous commented
I have proposed this a number of times when asked to give feedback to Adobe. Never had any comments or replies from them.
Filip Blazek commented
Refik, then Adobe must start distributing ECI profiles. We all know the majority of ID users will only use the default and preinstalled tools / options / settings. If Adobe should be up-to-date with current printing standards, they can't omit suppport for PSO coated v3 and PSO uncoated (Fogra 52) v3 to name a few.
Refik Telhan commented
Adobe has never distributed ECI-released profiles. We can freely add whatever ICC profile we need to the operating system and use them in all ICC-aware softwares including Adobe Creative Suite applications.
Paul Sherfield commented
Cannot agree more. Adobe should add PSO coated v3 and PSO uncoated (Fogra 52) v3 to the standard build within Adobe CC. Also, as many still use a Fogra 39 based workflow, add the ISO coated v2 profiles inplace of the Adobe version.
Olaf Drümmer commented
I would highly value inclusion in InDesign (and other Adobe applications) of ICC profiles based on current state of the art characterization data (such as FOGRA51). Currently Indesign/Creative Cloud tend to slow down much needed developments in the printing industry.
Herve commented
Yes please fix
Anonymous commented
To spread the use of profiles based on the updated ISO standard, please also update your profiles or request a license from ECI to distribute them (as done with other profiles form the US).
Please not only add support for profiles based on FOGRA51, but also FOGRA52 (printing on uncoated stock using OBA) -
anny commented
Adobe developed InDesign for the desktop publishing market, and it's primarily used to layout newspapers, magazines, books, posters, and flyers. Pretty much anything with large amounts of text should go straight into InDesign. For Hp design visit
Anonymous commented
I have exactly this issue - all commercial printers that I use are now requesting PDF print files in Fogra51 but this option isn't available within Indesign CC 2018. I expect industry standard software to keep up with industry standard practices. Please can this be integrated?
Anssi K commented
Jürgen Gemeinhardt commented
Print data with outdated ICC profiles hinder print shops to follow actual production standards. They furthermore can lead to mis-communications and poor print quality.
Lieselotte Brunner commented
Please integrate the official ECI-profiles.
Christian Handler commented
Users have to replace the outdated profiles in every version of Indesign. Not everyone does leading to unprofessional output files written by Indesign. We rather have Adobe include the correct profiles right in the application.