Add the ability to Name Pages
We build all our digital ads in indesign. 20 pages at 20 unique sizes. When we export to jpegs, we have to go and manually name every single image with the file name.
It would be nice if we could tag the file dimensions to each page and have this information export as a suffix to the original file name.
i.e. 0000-Client Code-'600x600', 0000-Client Code-'1280x760'
The pages would allow us to assign the 600x600 and the 1280x760 to the page for exporting and would carry over from document to document.
Please and thank you for your consideration.

The ability to add suffix to JPEG/PNG is now available in InDesign’s latest release 19.0. Please let us know your feedback in comments.
Sanyam Talwar (he/him)
Evan commented
We often use InDesign to build & export a collection of project assets, same workflow as using/exporting a series of multiple artboards in Illustrator. The ability to 'name' artboards in Illustrator and then batch export those artboards automatically passing their names into the exported filenames is awesome. Would love for InDesign to have that same ability.