Add the ability to Name Pages
We build all our digital ads in indesign. 20 pages at 20 unique sizes. When we export to jpegs, we have to go and manually name every single image with the file name.
It would be nice if we could tag the file dimensions to each page and have this information export as a suffix to the original file name.
i.e. 0000-Client Code-'600x600', 0000-Client Code-'1280x760'
The pages would allow us to assign the 600x600 and the 1280x760 to the page for exporting and would carry over from document to document.
Please and thank you for your consideration.

The ability to add suffix to JPEG/PNG is now available in InDesign’s latest release 19.0. Please let us know your feedback in comments.
Sanyam Talwar (he/him)
K.Ivie commented
I love having this ability in Illustrator. It would make things much easier in InDesign to have this feature available!
Simon Kalil Borst commented
Please add this feature! I love using the indesign interface to produce multiple files of a type, and this would save me a ton of time in renaming my files.
D_LeRoy commented
I would love this! Like naming art boards in Illustrator. I often create social media graphics and then make one for each employee using a data merge. It would be great if they exported with the person's name.
Anonymous commented
would be a really useful feature to have when you have 40 employee cv sheets in one file and need to export pdfs
Jonathan commented
Chiming in to say that everyone who does agency work wants this too (badly).
Sara Bequette commented
YES. This!!!!
Liana commented
Why is this not a thing yet?? So much time spent on re-naming hundreds of jpegs once exported!!
Joe commented
Why is this not a thing yet?
Anonymous commented
use renamer app:)
Szasz-Fabian Jozsef commented
Custom page names are very often needed!
Thank you for considering this a new feature! -
David Morgan commented
I've got an AppleScript that can export individually named single paged PDFs, JPEGs and/or PNGs. There are 4 different methods to name each file: 1. <filename> + page number, 2. using the first instance of a given character style on each page, 3. the same for a paragraph style or 4. using a CSV file with a list of filenames.
There's a free version available that is limited to 10 pages at a time, the paid version is $9.99 which pays for the occasional coffee :) See
Anonymous commented
Just commenting in the hopes someone will see that this is still wanted. The workaround with naming in the page numbering area only works if you aren't actually using the page numbers, which I am, and will be reordering the pages over time, so I don't want to have to manually number them. While some people want to be able to export the page name, I literally would just want something where the color label can be a text label, since I have a 100 pg document with about 75 different page sections, that need to be modified and reordered on a repeating basis.
Anonymous commented
As someone who does ads for a company, in about 30 different sizes based on publication this would be far easier than having a file for each ad, especially since they are generally the same.
Anonymous commented
this would be perfect, but you can also batch rename in Bridge
Anonymous commented
@Evan 👍
Pu commented
thanks @Evan worked a treat.
Lise commented
Yes ! I would do the same with alternate layout's names !
Thks !
Lise -
Sally K commented
Oh yes please, ADOBE, we need this so much! Particularly for exporting lots of single PNG or JPEGS. It would save hours of work renaming each file!
Borism commented
It would help certain workflows a lot. A little like you can rename Artboards in Illustrator
Doing non-facing pages, each page is a different size or goal.
We could name them GDN_160x600px, GDN_320x50px... or InStore_A4, WindowPoster_60x160cm.....Benefits:
- Making ONE template file for all the campaign's sizes. and not opening/coping tens of files.
- Illustrator is too slow to manage 15+ posters with over 1 meter in size.
- Exporting all the campaign's formats in one batch.
- Not adding a textbox near each page explaining what this page is for.I know that InDesign's core is "make ONE book per file" but it is the only Adobe app that excels at managing huge print formats without slowing down.
Borism commented
It would help certain workflows a lot. A little like you can rename Artboards in Illustrator
Doing non-facing pages, each page is a different size or goal.
We could name them GDN_160x600px, GDN_320x50px... or InStore_A4, WindowPoster_60x160cm.....Benefits:
- Making ONE template file for all the campaign's sizes. and not opening/coping tens of files.
- Illustrator is too slow to manage 15+ posters with over 1 meter in size.
- Exporting all the campaign's formats in one batch.
- Not adding a textbox near each page explaining what this page is for.I know that InDesign's core is "make ONE book per file" but it is the only Adobe app that excels at managing huge print formats without slowing down.