Add the ability to Name Pages
We build all our digital ads in indesign. 20 pages at 20 unique sizes. When we export to jpegs, we have to go and manually name every single image with the file name.
It would be nice if we could tag the file dimensions to each page and have this information export as a suffix to the original file name.
i.e. 0000-Client Code-'600x600', 0000-Client Code-'1280x760'
The pages would allow us to assign the 600x600 and the 1280x760 to the page for exporting and would carry over from document to document.
Please and thank you for your consideration.

The ability to add suffix to JPEG/PNG is now available in InDesign’s latest release 19.0. Please let us know your feedback in comments.
Sanyam Talwar (he/him)
Anonymous commented
Hi, i love the fact, that the new export gets rid of the problem with
page11but now we have
page100could you please add an option where we could write instead of ^# something like ^###? A lot of other programs use this method, even some from Adobe i think.
Creative Overlord commented
@James nailed it, that's exactly what I want.
Jason Green commented
@James - Well said! I haven't been able to download the PreRelease because of authentication issues (I emailed to hopefully figure that out). But based on what I've read, I appreciate being able to automatically pass through data like the page size in px to the export filenames and being able to tag pages to be skipped during export. but like James said, a big part of this feature is to be able to organize your document by labeling each page. This system would be very useful when working in teams. We pass files between multiple designers, so page names would be helpful in making document structure self-evident to someone picking up work on a document. Especially with you guys pushing the new cloud-based collaboration system. And then passing these names to files upon export would be a huge time saver. Sorry to dig, but I mentioned this feature to my wife, and she told me Canva has it :) I can't confirm, but productivity features like this are a big deal to folks and teams who use InDesign on a daily basis.
Max commented
Until it's properly implemented you could try my method. It requires Acrobat Pro as well. I tried both scripts in this thread, but without success. I always feel inferior when others sing praises and I can't do it.
Create a paragraph style to be used later as a table of contents.
Create a text frame with the desired file name and place it, for example, on a non-printing layer. The text frame can also be placed outside the page, but must protrude into the page at one edge (see screenshot step1).
Create a table of contents. This table of contents now contains the desired file names and has bookmarks created at the same time. The table of contents can lie outside the page and the text frame can be smaller than the toc (see screenshots step2, step3).
(Alternatively, of course, bookmarks can be created directly for each page if no informal text is needed below the respective page).
Exports this PDF with the Bookmarks option (see screenshot step4).
Use Acrobat Pro to split the document into individual pages with the option to use the bookmarks as file names (see screenshot step5).Sorry, for the german program versions.
Disadvantages of this method:
Doesn't work if your file contains bookmarks for another reason.
The file names must all be unique.
The files must be created without PDF/X standard.
It is relatively complicated. :) -
James commented
The feature in the new PreRelease build is NOT what people were asking for, per se. The ability to have the exported files appended with the page size is nice, but this isn't page naming.
What we want is the ability to go into the Pages panel, right click on a page and give it a name. Then when exported, the exported file gets appended withe the page name.
For example, if you create a document named "ClientIdentity" which contains a business card, envelope and letterhead (obviously 3 different page sizes), it would be nice to be able to name the pages "business-card," "envelope," and "letterhead." Then when exporting as individual page PDF, the file names would be "ClientIdentity_business-card.pdf", "ClientIdentity_envelope.pdf", and "ClientIdentity_letterhead.pdf"
Jason Green commented
@AK's comment is bang on the money for me. I know about the Mars Premedia script, and it is great when you are a one-man team. But If Adobe built this function into the Page panel, it would be self-evident to folks opening the file what each page is supposed to be. And it would work for so many use cases from social designs, to presentations, to simply labeling sections of books. Passing the labeling through to file names on export would be a huge time saver. This is such a simple function to implement that would make a big difference to designers that need it.
AK commented
This would also be great for generally naming/labeling pages in the page panel for navigation purposes. We build presentations in ID and it would be so helpful to have an idea of the content of each slide when scrolling through the panel.
rara commented
There is an amazing script made by Mars Premedia that does what I think you are asking for. It can be used to export PDFs, JPGs & PNGs by extracting text (visible or not) with an applied paragraph and/or character style. The first time I used this script, it paid for itself! It's just that helpful. It's like having an extra employee without having to pay them. As of this posting, there is a 30-day free trial. At least try it. You won't be sorry.
As of this posting, a single-user perpetual license can be purchased by following the link below. Pay once, no subscription, use forever.
Export Named Pages Script:
There are also 2 YouTube video tutorials created by the maker of this product. The first is the original script & the second video contains updated material from one of the more recent updates: more thing. Look at his changelog! He continues to update the script with some very valuable new functionalities based on the feedback he gets from users. A scripting genius with superb customer support! I believe he really cares about his work and how it affects people's lives & I really appreciate that.
Creative Overlord commented
Todd’s instructions below are fab, BUT only work for PDF files - you then have to batch process in PS if you want to convert ads to jpg or png - which is yet another needless step. We need this built in, not a paid add on from another company.
*also please add gif export for things created using the animations palette ;-)
Sami Gale commented
If you're on a mac, check out Output Factory by Zevrix. It's amazing and will do exactly what you need. It's a godsend for me as I batch output hundreds of files at once all individually named.
Chad Howard commented
FIVE YEARS LATER ... does adobe actually read these?
I have been using ID for 12 years and I have never seen this forum before, and I still google for help & to learn weekly. 🤷♂️ I don't know how I missed this forum since this is my first time here. It is also the first post that I have read, and my first comment. That is why I am asking if they even read these.
I mean five years and 302 votes makes me think that they don't read them.
I would love this feature so hard right now!
I am constantly having to rename PNGs for social media post designs. This one is this many pixels so it's -FB, this one is -TW, and this one is -MySpace (😆) It is so annoying, and sometimes frustrating (like today)!
Pleas add this feature yesterday!
Todd Magee commented
This feature IS available.
File > Export
Save As: "My Print Ads" or whatever you want your base file name to be
Check "Use InDesign Document Name as the Output Filename"
General > check "Create Separate PDF Files"
In the Suffix field use "^S" or select "Page Size" from the drop-down menu
Export -
Maurice Williams commented
Just thought I'd chime in here--plenty of people need to output digital assets from InDesign, especially now during the pandemic when less and less printing is happening. That script from marspremedia is great but we really need built-in output features on the level of Photoshop.
Evan Joshua commented
I've been using Adobe InDesign since 2019, and I have to say it's the best thing that has ever happened to my design career. However, in order to utilise Adobe, you must first study or learn English, for which we provide courses and also have experts for students who are wondering how much it costs to pay someone to do my exam and obtain A grades or better, please visit our website. Thankyou -
Briana commented
Come on, Adobe! Why is this not available? It would be so useful for anyone creating social media ads of different shapes & sizes in one file. It's almost available - I think you can sort of do it when you export to seperate pdf files & can create a suffix based on size. Just go another step on this and create a way to export to jpeg- either based on custom size names or Custom master page names. Seems perfectly reasonable!
Murray commented
Yes, please!!
Anonymous commented
Just coming here to say I wish InDesign would add this feature next. I spend so much time renaming JPGS every month!
Ian commented
This script does the job perfectly... wish I'd known about it years ago!!!!
Theo Duijkers commented
All you need is this brilliant script: -
Anonymous commented
maybe the solution is use XD instead of Indesign ? I have the same issue but let's try to think out of the box (op doing banners in indesign sounds not like a good ID as indesign is principaly for print)