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771 results found

  1. Improve Preflight

    Isn’t it about time for an update and some enhancements to this great feature? Some suggestions:

    1. Change the default Preflight Profile to something realistic for quality printing. The absence of warnings is misleading, making people think that everything is fine.
    2. Divide the check for “Protected fonts” into two categories: 1. Fonts which do not allow embedding in PDF, 2. Activated Adobe fonts (the existing behaviour of flagging Adobe fonts as “not allowed” causes a lot of confusion)
    3. Change the wording “Transparency not allowed” to just “Transparency” Transparency is rarely a problem nowadays, though it is still good to check whether…
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  2. Export XMP metadata with exported JPG and PNG images

    Currently, when you select a single placed image, and choose File > Export and export the selection as a JPG or PNG, any metadata that is present in the image (keywords, description, etc) does not appear in the exported image.

    What I would like is that if a single image is selected to export, that InDesign would retain all the XMP metadata (or at least the keywords) applied to the image when the image is exported.

    The reason this would be useful is that sometimes users will crop and scale an image in InDesign, and then want to export the…

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  3. Apply Master Pages Across Multiple Documents in a Book File.

    I use Book Files quite often in my job to create catalogs. These catalogs have multiple sections. It would be nice to be able to set up master pages one time that could be shared for all the documents that make up that book. Kind of like applying the same exact character or paragraph styles across multiple docs.

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  4. Add a built in HTML5 Page Curl Effect please

    At the moment Indesign still only offers the SWF option to create a page curl effect and with Flash player soon to be no longer supported, and currently it only works intermittently now, it would be very useful to have a built in html5 version. At the moment the only option is to purchase an expensive plugin from In5 to do something I think Indesign should have?

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  5. Live link Microsoft word documents when placed in InDesign

    When working with lots of teams and writers in our organisation. the constant issue we run into is only a select group of people have InDesign and the experience to operate the files. If there was a way when placing word documents were linked into InDesign, this would allow for a much more fluid workflow when there are a lot of edits.

    I am sure there are many limitations to this, but finding some sort of solution could make a big difference to creating quality documents that will allow non indesign users access. InCopy is not a viable option in…

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  6. Cross Reference feature - Relink selection to a different Indesign document

    I need assistance to add a feature to the cross references panel. Right now you cannot batch relink cross references to a different indesign document. I need a feature added to this such as relink selected, locate different document, select and relink. Right now the only way to do this is to individually relink each cross-reference. For example if I have a book file and the glossary with 250 entries in it and I change some of the content from one document to another and move the text anchors with it, I have to individually relink each cross reference. Could…

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  7. let users change app language dynamically, without re-installing the app.

    Users can't but reinstall apps in order to change language(e.g. Korean -> English).
    I want it to be more simple.
    Mandatory reinstallation just for changing language is overkill.

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  8. I have problems copying illustrations from illustrator into documents InDesign.

    I have problems copying illustrations from illustrator into documents InDesign.

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  9. Option to open or otherwise import/place Microsoft Publisher files directly.

    As a commercial printer, we often receive customer created work in Publisher files. Working with these documents in InDesign would be a huge timesaver.

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  10. PageMaker 6.5 plug in

    There should be an optional plug in for importing PageMaker files into newer (than CS6) versions.

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  11. find/replace should show element in middle of the screen

    find/replace should show element in middle of the screen

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  12. Add "Grid Calculator PRO" by default in Adobe Indesign CC 2020 or improve the setup of grid / baseline grid

    The plugin "Grid Calculator PRO" ( is perfect.

    With this plugin you can configure the grid and/or the baseline grid precisely much more that with default setup of Adobe Indesign CC 2020.

    It would be interesting to integrate this plugin directly in Adobe Indesign CC 2020 or modify the currently setup of the configuration of grid / baseline grid feature adding more options for this elements.

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  13. Cpu usage

    When i work with a long document, every change i make take a very long time, because InDesign use only one!!! core, when i have 8! Can you improve it?

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  14. Shared files in Dropbox should alert other file users if the file is open

    My team is trying to collaborate cross-country on a set of InDesign files using Dropbox.

    This is difficult because the InDesign files don't notify users when someone is in the same file when it's stored in Dropbox. This makes our team more likely to have divergent copies, and it makes it harder for us to collaborate.

    Word files in Dropbox do let you know when someone else is in the file. It would be a major improvement if the InDesign files would also alert users when someone else is in the file when its stored in Dropbox.

    Alternatively, if Adobe…

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  15. Remove Adobe Stock ads

    There is an ad for Adobe Stock at the bottom of the open/new document window. Since we have a paid subscription , I don't want to see any ads. If not, I'll move us to another product. The constant appearance makes it seem as though Adobe is only concerned about increasing revenue and not about helping users or aiding in their experience. This area could be used for InDesign tips and tricks.

    By the way, I was told this was a feature, but it's a paid feature that I don't want or need to see, since we'll never use this…

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  16. Notify us of bugs while they are being fixed.

    When you have a bug, it would be nice to get a notice. I just spent an hour trying to figure out what I was doing wrong with the dictionary. Finally got in a chat and realized I wasn't doing anything wrong.

    It's fine you have bugs. It's amazing what the software does. I don't mind not using a feature while the bug gets fixed. It would, though, save me time and frustration to know that you're working on it and I should relax and wait.

    Thank you!

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  17. Make the Keybaord shortcuts consistent across InDesign, Illlustrator and Photoshop

    Plz make the keybaord shortcuts consistent across InDesign, Illlustrator and Photoshop.

    For common operations, the shorcuts are different across 3 apps.

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  18. Import formatting from PDF comments

    InDesign should apply what ever it recives from the PDF. The formating options for the comments are pretty limited – Bold, Italic, Underline, ...

    If I accept a comment that has italic characters, the formatted text would be [italic].

    If I accept a comment that has bold characters, the formatted text would be [bold].

    If I accept a comment that has bold italic characters, the formatted text would be [bold italic].

    If I am using a font that does not have an Italic weight (Maybe it uses Regualre Italic), the text would just recive the standart missing font warning (The…

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  19. Add conditions to Data Merge

    There should be conditions in data merge to include or exclude text based on the data in a record. For example.e consider a set of business cards. Some users might have a Twitter handle or mobile number, some might not. Currently there is no way to omit empty fields and any text that might fo with it, line an "M" and tab to prefix a mobile number and the line break after it. There should be a way to make that text conditional on whether the field is empty or what is in it.

    e.g. IF @mobile<>"",M^t@mobile^p,,)

    If the mobile…

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  20. Book Panel - Add Editing/Batch-renaming INDD-File-names inside book panel

    Please add Editing/Batch-renaming of INDD-Files inside of the book panel. Thats usefull because during work the given filenames often given intuitively. After work with Rename/Batch rename it would be easy possible to change filenames as the scheme as prescribed by the publisher. Also renaming errors are prevented and the workflow would be much faster.

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