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770 results found

  1. Find/Change: search multiple formats, NOT & OR options, multiple changes, drop-downs

    I work with books, some of them very long and complex. Because I'm strict about styles and consistency, and because the authors rarely are, I have to use Find/Change a lot. It is by far the part of InDesign that I find most lacking.

    1. Instead of clicking to get to find format or change format options, pick from drop-down(s) right there on the F/C dialog. At least for styles (but ideally also for fonts, swatches, etc.).

    2. Search multiple styles at once (but not all styles, as happens when you don't select one in the find format area). For example: find…

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  2. Show Import Options when Dragging File from Finder

    When Placing a file, there is an option to show Import Options. This is helpful for inserting a select range of pages. It would be helpful if this same option was available when dragging a PDF file from my Desktop/Finder. Often times, I will have my finder window open which contains my projects home directory. Simply dragging the PDF into the InDesign document is much quicker than having to go through the process of locating in File->Place route.

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  3. GPU acceleration in Windows PC

    Hi! Why does GPU acceleration in InDesign only work on MAC? I have an extremely powerful Windows PC with next-generation Nvidia Quadro video card, and you just forgot about Windows PC users. Can't do like Ilustrator? Can't use GPU processing intelligence in InDesign? I work with huge two- and one-column footnote files with lots of AI and PSD images. But the lack of GPU acceleration is frustrating. Thank you!

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  4. Please make a plug-in to open Pagemaker files .pmd

    Pagemaker filer converter or a plug-in to open them and the save them with the appropriate extension

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  5. Find all except this Paragraph or Character Style

    Add an option in (Find Format) tab of Find/Change window, We can exclude one or more style from search. For instance, find question mark in all styles, except (Body Copy Style).
    Instead of repeating the query for each style.

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  6. One-click, easy install for Hunspell dictionaries

    Please, please make the adding of Hunspell language dictionarys easier.

    Have just added a Hunspell language dictionary to InDesign. Wow! What a difficult un-user friendly process. I had to Google to find the baffling instuctions and followed the lengthy guide on InDesignSecrets website.

    It's not just me that finds the whole thing so complicated - the InDesignSecrets instructions end with the following words -
    "I never expected installing Hunspell dictionaries to be such an ordeal. And I can understand if these instructions have scared you off. But if you’ve made it all the way down here, you’re obviously need to…

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  7. Select objects with similar stroke and/or fill color

    Please add feature to select objects with similar stroke and/or fill color.

    This has already been in Illustrator for quite awhile (to my knowledge). This would be good feature to have in InDesign also.


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  8. placing an .ai file with multiple art boards,

    When placing an .ai file with multiple art boards, it would be an improvement if I could place by the art board name instead of number.

    Example A file may contain an art board that is CMYK or Spot. The thumbnail looks the same. Its a waste of time if I place the wrong art board.

    IT would make my work day more efficient and less frustrating.

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  9. Expand file name & exported file name instead of task bar in background task palette

    In the background task palette the progress is shown by a growing bar plus a percentage number (double feature for what reason?).

    But there is not enough space to display the full file name and the name of the exported file (screenshot 1). Even if you enlarge the palette (screenshot 2) the only change is a bigger progress bar – and no change within displaying the file names.

    Yes, I know: the full file names are displayed when I do a mouseover, but expanding the fields of the file names if you expand the whole palette would be a small…

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  10. Urgent support needed for .webp images in InDesign & Photoshop

    With the latest MacOS update Safari is now allowing .webp images. As a design studio we do LOTS of moodboards, research docs etc. gathering 100s of images at a time. Now I realise half need to be manually resaved — and in Preview of all places because not only are they not supported in InDesign, but Photoshop either. Urgent help needed!!!! This is adding so much time to my day.

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  11. Delete Multiple Index Entries

    As it is, if you "add all" with the index tool, it creates an index entry for every instance of the selected word. Sometimes it might have that word 20 times on a page over a range of pages. As it is now, each of these entries over multiple pages must be deleted one-by-one by dragging the number individually into the trash can in the index tool. It would be awesome if you could select multiple entries at once (by using +ctrl or + shift) so you could drag multiple entries into the trash. This would increase my efficiency by…

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  12. When creating a QR Code in InDesign, Allow User to select VCARD Version

    We are having issues with the QR Code generator due to its 2.1 version of the VCARD. Not all readers and phones interpret that correctly, resulting in parsing errors depending on the scanner software used. It would be useful to allow the user to select which VCARD standard they want to use, such as VCARD 2.1, 3.0, 4.0, etc. This will create the metadata to be compatible with more current versions of scanning software. Not sure if version 2.1 is deprecated, but it's not always supported anymore (e.g. RedLaser, etc) causing parsing issues on the address line with iOS as…

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  13. Ability to create interactive PDF forms in InDesign

    Ability to create interactive PDF forms in InDesign with all fields available as Acrobat Pro and be able to live test the form and make changes within InDesign rather than having to export the PDF each time to test the form.

    I make forms for clients and it gets very annoying when I set up hundreds of fields in InDesign and finalise a form and a client sees a typo so I have to go back in InDesign and make the fix and then re-export the file and add other fields again to it.

    Would also like a feature with…

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  14. Color overlay FX

    Right now Indesign has almost every effect as Photoshop, except Color Overlay.

    Please add the Color Overlay effect to Indesign.

    Aside from the obvious benefits, this feature would make changing the color of bitmap fonts so much easier than having to recolor them in photoshop, and import them as images into indesign.

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  15. Indesign Autosave

    An autosave feature in Indesign would be a great addition. This could be added under the file handling menu with some options for it. A slider that allows you to set the intervals of the autosave. It would be a great addition to the auto recovery, you'd be surprised how often people forget to hit save or close it and accidentally not save when prompted.

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  16. InDesign Cannot Set Actual Text (Accessibility)

    InDesign Cannot Set Actual Text

    InDesign has no way of setting actual text. This can only be done in PDF. Actual text is set when acronyms are used. Access technologies such as screen readers cannot properly read acronyms such as USA. They voice them as words, like "Youusah." Actual text has to be set for the document to be read correctly. This is a painstaking process that requires InDesign users to learn PDF Remediation, a highly specialized skillset that is typically outside the role of the average Graphic Designer. Currently, the process for setting actual text in Acrobat is as…

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  17. Scratch Disk option

    Give InDesign a Scratch Disk option like Photoshop and Illustrator. It consumes far too much memory and runs too slowly on Windows 7.

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  18. action recorder for indesign, as it is in Photoshop.

    action recorder for indesign, as it is in Photoshop. Would be very useful

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  19. Data merge should include a "Next Record" feature

    Data merge should include a "Next Record" feature, like Word has. I want to merge data into InDesign, but I don't want to duplicate text boxes or pages. I just want to put the placeholders wherever they need to go (like in a table) and merge the data without having a text box for every record.

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  20. InDesign, and all other CC apps, should be ported to Linux

    Linux is more efficient and secure than Windows or macOS. It also often has greater hardware compatibility and resource management, which would be useful when dealing with large projects.

    This would be valuable for many users seeking to get the most out of their hardware, or who work with 3D rendering tools best suited to Linux setups.

    Adobe already has a Unix base with the macOS version - surely a Linux version isn't too much of a head-scratcher for the devs.

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