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395 results found

  1. Data merge: Classification Master pages

    Es solle möglich sein, über die Datentabelle für jeden Datensatz eine Musterseite zuordnen zu können. Ähnlich wie QR-Code und Images bekommt die Spalte ein Sonderzeichen, in der die Bezeichnung der Musterseite steht.
    Nach der Datenzusammenführung hat dann jeder Datensatz die entsprechende Musterseite.
    Translation google: It should be possible to assign a sample page for each data record via the data table. Similar to QR code and images, the column is given a special character in which the name of the sample page is written.
    After the data merging, each data record then has the corresponding master page.

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  2. High Res Tif's not rendering

    High Res Tif's are not rendering when imported into an InDesign document. V15 and v16 rendering engines need to be updated.
    When a High Res Tif is inserted and expanded (zoomed in) it does not render in High performance mode but looks like Fast screen mode.

    I have verified this with Adobe InDesign Technical Support that this is not a user setting, but an engineering bug. It is not a resolution issue as the file looks fine when exported to a PDF.

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  3. copy paste layers to other pages without combining to one layer

    to be able to copy several objects from different layers from one page and paste to another page and maintain their respective layers.

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  4. Option to replace a master page that is being deleted with a different master page

    When working on long documents, especially while using the book feature, it would be helpful to have the option to replace one master with another. So if I want to delete "Master A", a dialog box would say "Remove Master A and replace with: [list of other master pages to choose from]".

    Currently if I want to remove a master page and replace it, I have to go through all 900 of my pages and apply the replacement master.

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  5. Cross reference endnotes

    At present if you are in a particular endnote and wish to cross reference to another endnote, it is impossible to to obtain the new endnote number. While the list of endnotes shows the endnote number, it is not an option to choose just the number. So yo only get the full text of the endnote. This is different from cross referencing, say, a list of Figures where you can cross reference just the Figure and the figure number. Fo some reason the endnote number simply does not exist as a Paragraph Number

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  6. More control over file name when exporting multiple files (such as PNGs for an animation)

    When exporting images from pages on an inDesign document it names them like this


    When you import these same images into Photoshop to make a stack or to start an animation the layers don't appear in the right order because photoshop obviously doesn't understand that the file without a number is the first one, and that document 10 shouldn't follow document1, so they have to be reordered manually. Could you not add a tool so we can ask or files to be called file001, file 002, ... it would save a lot of time

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  7. 1 vote

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  8. Automatic tables by adding 'Column Space'

    This would be a major improvement of tables in InDesign that would be the envy of any other program and I think it is possible for InDesign to do it.
    This feature would automatically make a table go to its text box width with even spacing between each column of text.:
    This is how it would be done with a new feature called something like 'Column Space':

    (1) You would make sure the table is within a text box to the width you want the table to go to.
    (2) You would then adjust the columns of text within the…

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  9. Option to replace links with same name but different format

    When relinking a file, ID is able to check and relink all other links in a folder. However, I regularly have to use the relink feature to replace .tif dummies with finalized .psd files. The problem is that relink includes the extension of files in the name, so a tickable option to tell ID to change extension according to the first file you click so it then relinks all files with same name but the desired extension instead would save a lot of time.

    (Unrelated, but having a corner to drag the typing field when posting ideas would be nice.…

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  10. Make Save as line scalable

    When you scale Save as dialog, the file name line did not grow. It's only a few letters wide. When you replace file or make another with slitgly changed name you must scroll to end of file name even the name fits to window if the line is wider.

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  11. Would like the find/replace font also store/show the actual filename for the font, not just the display version.

    Would like the find/replace font also store/show the actual filename for the font, not just the display version: I have recently received a new (Windows) computer at work, it has has some issues, and I didn't copy over all of the installed fonts on the previous computer, as I probably did not need many of them anymore. I work for a printing company that does updates and new set ups, so use a lot of fonts from a lot of sources. It is a real time user to find the correct font file for many jobs, given Windows' naming conventions…

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  12. No stupid US Letter size for UK

    No stupid US Letter, tabloid & legal sizes in New document presets (for UK version of InDesign), I know we share a language but we don't want that nonsense. Can we have more sizes we use like A2, A1 etc

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  13. Numbering Pages

    I wish you could make it easy to number pages - as easy as on Word. It is so complicated on InDesign and I have failed to make it work. As a result, I have had to publish books without numbered pages, and that is frustrating for all.

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  14. Export all data from the Links folder to Excel/.csv format

    Please, please, please make the entire Links panel exportable to an Excel (or .csv) file. I just spent five hours capturing all information for hundreds of placed images ONE AT A TIME. How nice it would be to be able to export the entire contents of the Links panel with one click. I know that it is do-able.

    Thank you!

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  15. Managing multiple tabs in InDesign is an abomination

    Managing multiple tabs in InDesign is an abomination. Firstly, the tolerance between reshuffling tabs and pulling a tab out to a separate window is far too small. Try doing this on a 4K screen, move your mouse a couple of millimetres up or down and all of a sudden your tab is now it's own window. Worse still is that when you pull it back into the tabs, it goes right to the back.

    This leads me to my second issue. The lack of any way to reshuffle tabs that have multiple tabs in between. There are two ways to…

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  16. Open PDF

    I want the ability to open an Adobe PDF in Adobe InDesign. The ability to have a pdf file that I can right click and go to Open With -> Adobe InDesign would save so much time at my job in the print industry. It takes forever to take 1,500 pages of a PDF document and individually place them in an InDesign file just so I can use a master page to overlay a bad logo that a client used. If they could just automatically open just as though I did the whole document by hand it would be a…

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  17. Duplicating pages in InDesign - but not at the end of a document

    When duplicating pages in Indesign they always appear at the end of the document. We should be able to select where in the document we want the pages to be added, as we do when inserting new pages.
    So, 'Duplicate Pages''; "Insert Before/After page XX" etc

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  18. next page doesn't work

    Hi there,

    When inserting Type=>Special Characters=>Marker=>Next page InDesign inserts the CM marker which is the current page. Consequently where I need the next page number to appear it displays the current page number.

    Kind regards
    Mike Howell

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    The text frame containing the Next Page Number Marker has to just touch the text frame and the correct page number gets picked. No need to link the text frames together. Just the fact that it touches the text frame will make it automatically pick the correct next page number that the text flows to in the document.

    Hope that helps.

    Adobe InDesign team

  19. The ability to flick between pages on imported Indesign files

    Self explanatory - The ability to flick between pages on imported Indesign files without having to go to relink then navigate to the file, then to the page you want. A simple forward/back page button next to the link would speed up my workflow immensely.

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  20. It is SO important to have footnotes continue the numbering throughout a whole document without restarting the numbering every text frame

    It is bad document design to have the whole document in one single text frame (a nightmare when doing changes and everything moves). At the very least each chapter should start with a new text frame. So it seems crazy that you can set footnote numbering to restart every page, spread or section but when none of these are selected the numbering should flow through the whole document! NOT restart for each text frame. Thank you.

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