Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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153 results found
Easier Conditional Text in Tables
Currently, to apply conditional text to text inside tables, you have to go cell-by-cell to apply the text. This behavior is unlike character and paragraph style application, where you can simply select a bunch of cells and apply the styles all at once. Conditional text application to cell contents should behave the same.
28 votes -
Make the color of the hidden conditional text indicator match the color assigned to the condition
Currently, the color of the hidden conditional text indicator is orange. But why orange?why not something more useful? We are able to assign specific colors to each condition, so why not extend those colors to the hidden conditional text indicator as well? Right now, in order to see which condition is applied to hidden conditional text, we have to hover over it and hope that the tooltip pops up. Like this:
But if there are number of hidden conditions, that trick doesn't work. At the very least, color-code the eyeball in the story editor. In the story editor, you…
5 votes -
Improved Find/Change with Conditional Text
The reason is that the Find/Change function has a serious limitation in that it will only find text with certain conditions applied if you choose to search for ALL of the conditions applied to the text in question. That’s fine in the rare cases where I know all the conditions applied to the text that I need to find.
I want the a radio button behavior, where InDesign will find anything with a certain condition applied to it, even if there are other conditions applied as well.
For additional details, see: votes -
Section Colour Property
We would like something called section colour property. Whereby any paragraph / character style which can be used as a property in any paragraph or character style.
So, if you had a paragraph style call heading with the character set to section colour, the heading would be red in page section 1 and blue on page section 2.
Great for long documents. Thank you.
7 votes -
Add global level or book level text variables.
It would be nice to have book level text variable(s) that is used in documents in that book.
40 votes -
Add run-in footnotes
Add run-in footnotes, so multiple footnotes could be on the same line to save space (instead of every footnote starting on a new line)
145 votes -
34 votes
Option in TOC dialogue which merges the same instances into one followed by a page range number
I have a design guide with a complex table of contents (see toc1.png).
There are topics like “Head - und Subline Allgemein” (see toc1.pgn) which spans over 3 different pages. After generating the TOC the topic is listed 3 times followed by their associated page number (see toc1.pgn).
I would like to see a check box in the table of contents dialogue box which merges all the same instances into one followed by the page range number (see toc2.png)!
Perhaps with a control of what character separates the two page numbers.
25 votes -
Make text variables/live captions breakable like normal text
We work a lot with pictures that get there captions from xmp meta data stored in the pictures.
There is a great feature in InDesign called textvariables/live captions ;) for this… BUT these variables don‘t wrap like normal text :(
Instead we have to convert the live captions to static text to get the proper text warp and in doing so losing our live link to the XMP meta data.
So please enhance this feature to a real feature and allow variables to wrap like normal text. Thanks!
564 votesWe have added this feature in our backlog for future release
Allow Data Merge to use .csv with semicolon separated text
Currently one has to use tab separated text (.txt) or comma separeted text (.csv). When using the .csv-export from Excel, it generates semicolons as separators, which is helpful because there may be a comma inside a table cell. So it would be helpful to use this text directly in InDesign.
This might be an issue only in the German version of Excel/InDesign, but it causes a lot of trouble.8 votesThis feature has been implemented in InDesign 2020. Please use this version of InDesign to use this feature.
Adobe InDesign team -
Text variables to include auto numbers
When creating a text variable, it would be great to have it capture the auto numbering, e.g. if the heading is "1. Introduction" and the number is set as an auto number to the paragraph style, then the text variable that references that paragraph style should also pick up the number. At the moment, all you get from the text variable is "Introduction". Or at least have that as an option!
82 votes -
Condition Sets: Show overrides when the set has a +
In every other panel, when there is a style override, resulting in a + symbol, if you hover over the symbol, it will tell you specifically what the overrides are. For example, a different type size, or font family or leading or something along those lines.
But in the Condition Sets dropdown, all you get is that there are overrides. And you can either clear them or redefine the set. But if I choose to clear the overrides, I have no way of knowing what the result will be.
2 votes -
Better support XML import via xmlns: aid
Better support XML import via xmlns: aid / xmlns: aid5: Assigning object formats
10 votes
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