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584 results found

  1. Workspace

    Please can there be an option to export a workspace, like Swatches and Paragraph styles? Every time with the new update, we have to take 30min to rebuild our workspaces. It would take so much less time to just load our workspace we are used to.

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  2. The option to LOCK panels and their objects into place so they cannot be undocked by accident.

    Not everyone one of us is young, and some of us have conditions where we're not able to fully control our movements such as advanced arthritis or MS. I often accidently undock an item in the panel, and I mean OFTEN. It is frustrating, and interrupts my workflow.

    For accessibility to disabled designers, there really SHOULD be a way to make those docks NOT so easily moved, undocked, etc. Floating panels was fine when I had finger control but now that I'm in early stages of MS--its frustrating that I accidently undock an item from a panel or move the…

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  3. Workspace – Why can't Workspace preferences be applied to all devices?

    I currently use three (sometimes 4) Apple Macs in various locations around the country as I move from office to office. I understand the constraints re logging computers in and out of my account (no problem there), but why can't my Workspace preferences be shared amongst the computers? After all Adobe know who I am, they know what computer I'm using, they've loaded my CC libraries, surely applying my Workspace preferences to all of my devices by default, can't be that difficult?

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  4. Middle mouse button to hand tool ...

    Please add this functionality! Want to map a mouse button for instant document panning. I can do it in Windows 10, but not MacOS.

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  5. Better UI scaling option

    The only way to adjust the UI size in Indesign is to change the scaling for your whole system, and even then it only supports up to 200% scaling and there is no way to make it bigger beyond that.

    I got a new laptop with a HD 4k screen and its already scaled to 250% (I'm using Windows 10) but the user interface is still too small and it really slows down my workflow. Even if increasing my OS scaling to 300%+ fixed it (which it doesn't), it would still be infuriating to have everything on my computer scaled…

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  6. Workspace Sync across devices

    Have your Workspace for all Adobe applications saved in your CC account. Like many others, I work off and sign into more than 1 computer (3 in my case). It would be great if I'm signed-in and can see my saved workspace already allocated in the application. Instead of re-tweaking my Workspace manually on every device.

    Computers crash, major updates happen, and every-time we lose our settings, just a nice addition to add for the users.

    Thanks so much, keep up the good work.

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  7. Remove the page "drop shadow"

    Remove the page "drop shadow". It's confusing to see the thicker black border on the right and bottom of the page. Is it a locked element? No, it's part of the UI! Why? What is it trying to be?

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  8. I want a generic command to repeat the least command I executed. Like control-Y does in the much-hated MS Word....Saves time.

    I want a generic command to repeat the least command I executed. Like control-Y does in the much-hated MS Word....Saves time.

    I often wind up doing the same thing many times, like applying a char style or whatever. I want a keyboard shortcut to repeat whatever I did last.

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  9. Appearance Panel

    Illustrator has the Appearance Panel. InDesign should have it too. I want to have multiple fills, and strokes to be behind the fills.

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  10. Just change one word in the preferences of German InDesign!

    The German word "Textumfluss" is used two times in InDesign but with different meanings:

    Within the preferences "Smart Text Reflow" is "Intelligenter Textumfluss".
    And then there ist the "Text Wrap" panel, which is named "Textumfluss" in German, too.

    So "wrap" gets the same translation as "reflow"? Noooooo! These are two different thing and should not be named the same!

    A better translation for reflow would be "Textumbruch", so please change just one word in the German preferences, from "Intelligenter Textumfluss" to "Intelligenter Textumbruch".

    It's easy to do: just five letters to change! One small piece of code. Done in a…

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  11. Display progress bar for long operations

    When working with a big document, there are many operations that take a very long time. For example, generating a TOC, deleting pages that cause text to reflow, etc. Tasks that happen almost instantly with reasonably sized documents can take many minutes when we get into 500+ pgs.

    Currently we only see a spinning beachball (mac) when we get stuck in a long task. There's no way to determine whether it's just going to take a long time, or if indesign is completely locked up. The system sees it as "application not responding," but a lot of times patience pays…

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  12. East Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese, etc.) support for English and/or other Western languages UI

    Pls make East Asian language setting available for English and/or other Western languages UI.

    Sometime I work for East Asian customer and need to deal with East Asian language, but I still need English UI.

    Now I have to install and uninstall East Asian Version of ID when I want to use this feature.

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  13. option to disable power zoom

    like the titel says: option to disable power zoom. i never use this 'feature' and its very annoying that this power zoom activates when i try to move the workspace with the hand-tool.

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  14. Make it easier to reset preferences and/or clear cache

    There are so many folks reporting InDesign issues on the forum recently that are solved by trashing preferences and/or clearing the cache files. This is so easy to address in Photoshop—Prefs > General > Reset Preferences on Quit—and so many steps in InDesign. We have to determine the operating system, address how to show hidden files, etc. Can this please be added to Preferences?

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  15. Disable Blue Bar pop-ups

    The constant interruption of blue bar "helpful" suggestions, while using InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop, is infuriatingly disruptive to the working professional. The fact that I'm here trying to solve an unnecessary issue during my self-employed working hours pretty much sums up the problem - I cannot bill for this time. Please allow us the ability to get rid of the constant advertising and let us get on with the software we once loved - we've got work to do.

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  16. InDesign forgets the maximized state of the window

    Windows 10 here.
    When working in inDesign, I'm maximizing the window. However, when closing InDesign and opening again, the window isn't maximized. I have to maximize again. Maximizing every time I start InDesign has became annoying.
    It's a simple programmer task to keep the last state of the window when opening the application again...

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  17. Just want to turn off the Home Bar

    I want to be able to turn off the annoying home bar at the top (the unhideable application frame thing).

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  18. Add a "Pin to Recent" setting for InDesign documents

    I have files that I occasionally use that I'd love to access without drilling down on a remote server to find them every time. Being able to pin (or unpin) a document file to the Open Recent list would be a great convenience. This would prevent it from being pushed off the end of the list.

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  19. Trash/clear out Find/Change completely

    The ability to trash everything in the find/change window so you can start fresh with a brand new search. Right now you have to delete things like “change format” individually and each field stays filled in. This is nice if you are keeping something in your search for a while, but not when you want to start fresh.

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  20. Inline search filter for all styles panels and swatches

    Alle styles and swatches panels should have an inline search filter to narrow down large lists of styles (similar to the quick apply window and the layer panel in Photoshop).

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