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747 results found

  1. Allow footnotes to renumber in same document

    When importing a Word document with footnotes or endnotes that are continuous, add feature to begin renumbering footnotes from 1 for each chapter or section. It does not work in the current versions of InDesign CC even with the preferences set to renumber with each new section when the text file is linked from section to section.

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  2. OpenType User Interface

    In this blog article there a great description how indesign can massively improving the handling with fonts and their opentype features...

    Also take a look at the Petition:

    Is there anything in the works?

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  3. Keyboard shortcut for paragraph spacing before/after

    Allow a Keyboard shortcut to increase/decrease paragraph spacing before/after.

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  4. Hyperlinks from word

    It would be good/wonderful, if the hyperlinks from a word document would import like the endnotes and footnotes. Right now it takes a lot of my time to enter them manually in long documents. When you have approximately 10-15 hyperlinks per page in a 60 pages documents it takes too much times...

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  5. MathML Support

    We need to have InDesign to support MathML, this is much awaited feature, but not supporting in InDesign yet.

    Currently we're using 3rd party plugins such as MathType, MathTools, PowerMath, etc. but not meeting our expectation, also high license cost than InDesign.

    @ALL: Please support to include this feature in InDesign in the very near release.

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  6. GREP query to remove whitespace before sentence

    Along with a query for removing trailing whitespace, one is needed for preceding whitespace. The workaround of searching for ^p+space does not work in all instances, especially in tables.

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  7. Kerning Issues Between Text and Tabs

    A detail about kerning/tracking that seems to have slipped through the cracks: how text and tabs interact with each other in Indesign.

    I noticed this while doing fillable forms with underscores. The space after the type wildly varies in distance, and from what I can tell, there is no way to automatically or manually adjust it. I tried switching kerning between manual and optical, with no results. I tried manually adjusting the kerning, which doesn't affect it either. The spacing seems to be related to the length of the text.

    A visual example:
    ZIP code _____

    A future feature…

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  8. Make editing of hidden Conditional Texts easier

    When working on texts with hidden conditional texts in it, I frequently have to do corrections inside the hidden texts either. It would be great, if hidden conditional text would be visible and editable e.g. in the story editor, without changing the visibility in the conditional text panel.

    Or make it expandable in the story editor by clicking on the eye symbol ...

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  9. Please implement support for fast entry of Mac OS accented chars asap

    Mac OSX now supports accents very cleanly and simply c/o press and hold briefly (a, e whatever) then your accent choices display as in the attached screengrab. This feature is supported in all Mac apps, email clients, etc etc ... even dare I type, MS Word v15.40 (171108). But not InDesign (yet ... as of 13.0.1). Very disappointing for a s/w vendor that is otherwise at leading edge of all things creative design / innovative UIs ...
    - rob d

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  10. Paste Variable text

    In Find/Change have an option to paste a variable. I will often search for a word and then need to paste a variable. Currently I have to right-click the results, choose Insert Variable, and then choose the variable.

    Do that 10 times when a writer forgets to use a variable, replace all would be great.

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  11. Text from a paragraph style used in a variable does not carry any character styling

    Text from a paragraph style used in a variable does not carry any character styling.

    Define a variable using the text of a specific paragraph style. Add character styles to the text (or use a GREP style) and when the text is
    pulled" by the variable the character style is not reflected.

    Often this is used for running headers and footers. Example: if the registered trademark symbol is added to the text, it is regular case in the variable.

    This also really screws up the ToC when the paragraph style is used in a ToC

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  12. allow customers to choose a default font when opening new documents.

    our organization uses a style guide of fonts that does NOT include Minion Pro. We would like to be able to customize our new documents with our font of choice

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  13. Price format : Wordbased diagonal strike-through

    1. Price formatting : we need a character style that allows BARRED PRICE styles : a diagonal strikethrough in a different colour, and needs a line style which allows a full line or a dotted line version . See screenshot

    2. Millions of uses a day. For a lot of indesign brochure designers.

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  14. Enable copy-paste of text / text frames without breaking cross references

    Today, copying a text frame with cross references breaks them - including copying text with cross references. This is very problematic and very difficult to discover during editing - and the only solution is to create the cross reference manully again. Very cumbersome.

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  15. Indic Unicode font rendering is broken in InDesign

    When writing text in certain Indic scripts, InDesign does not render the font correctly. For example, using the Padauk font for the Myanmar script, the following string renders the Medial Ra (U+103C) around the consonant Na (U+1014) instead of the consonant Ma (U+1019).


    This bug is a large blocker when dealing with Indic text in InDesign.

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  16. Ignora contorna con testo

    Buongiorno, rilevo che quando copio un oggetto da un documento ad un altro (Ctrl+c Ctrl+v) viene persa l'impostazione "ignora contorna con testo".
    Necessito di una soluzione.

    Good morning, I notice that when I copy an object from one document to another (Ctrl+c Ctrl+v), the "ignore wrap with text" ( setting is lost.
    Needed a solution.
    Thank you

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  17. 1 vote

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  18. Turn on/off show spell check in PREVIEW or other screen modes. Not just NORMAL

    When switching between NORMAL screen Mode to PREVIEW mode I still want any spelling errors to show. This would be great in any screen mode with some kind of a toggle button. In fact, the ability to show various hidden paragraph and character formatting would be brilliant.

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  19. Provide better keyboard support in Story view.

    Provide better keyboard support in Story view. Currently PageUp and PageDn and other scrolling keys don't work, and I am forced to use the mouse for long-distance scrolling.

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  20. Underlined spaces at the ends of lines in running text

    1. It would be nice if, when an underlined space falls at the end of a line in running text, the space "disappears" so that it's underline isn't hanging out in space like a ghost..
    2. It's valuable because it looks weird when an underlined space sticks out beyond the last nonwhite-space character in the line. It's particularly noticeable in justified type, but I think the same principal applies regardless of the justification.
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