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305 results found

  1. Fold marks in export settings for spreads


    I work with cover spreads quite a bit....3 facing pages. Back Cover-Spine-Front Cover. The printer I work with, a very large commercial printer, requests fold marks on the spine. They want them the same size/offset as the outer crop marks. When you have a spread and you check "crop marks" in the export settings, InDesign puts marks on the spine that are smaller and offset further away from the trim than the outer marks. They really do no good. I think it would be extremely beneficial if there was a "Fold Mark" option in the export settings for when…

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  2. Placed pdf loses interactivity features and accessibility tags.

    When PDFs are placed into an InDesign layout and then the entire layout is exported to PDF, the placed PDFs are converted to <Figure> tags in the final PDF.

    There are many time when designers must incorporate an existing PDF into their documents, such as:

    -- Multi-page PDF of an existing document.

    -- A pre-made PDF AcroForm

    -- In annual reports, an official letter from a president, commissioner, or other authority.

    -- In financial reports, the required letter from the accounting firm as well as the financial balance sheets.

    In these above cases, the placed PDFs are official documents that…

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    Need More Info  ·  amaarora responded

    What all things would you like PDF to retain? (alt text, tags and what else?)

    Currently when PDF is imported, its imported as a single graphic.

    Would you want the tags and alt text to be mapped to their correct assets in InDesign? and those tags and alt text be also editable from within InDesign after PDF is imported?

    Or should they be remapped and restored once the document with placed PDF is again exported to PDF from InDesign?

    Would want to know more about the proposed solution / workflow


  3. Open hyperlinks in new tab

    You could update the software with the function to open hyperlinks in new tab within PDFs and other formats. This is very necessary.

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  4. Have the ability to format text boxes with date, time, currency, etc. Also ability to format buttons (save)

    Because I use a template to make multiple copies of a personalized document/form. I constantly have to go into the PDF after each export to format fillable text boxes with the date format, currency format, etc. The same goes for the buttons. I have multiple save buttons as well as send form buttons that I have to "reprogram" each time I change the source InDesign file. It seems to be something that should be handled in the InDesign file. If you can choose Print why not Save?

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  5. Need Update of Indesign cc2020 with Page Curl transition option

    Indesign cc2020 Page Curl transition is not available because of the removal of Flash. I need the option to create and show off ebooks for our online customers' convenient. But Indesign cc2020 does not have this page transition option. Can we have the Page curl option in the next updates for Adobe Indesign cc2020? Thank you.

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  6. Crop Marks In 100 Percent Black

    Please add the capability to produce crop marks in 100 percent black. In the 2019 printing industry, not having this feature accessible is mind boggling. While there may always be a need for offset printing along with crop marks in registration builds, to ignore the needs of the growing digital printing market is a grave oversight on Adobe's part. Print shops are losing enormous amounts of money in click rates by not being able to produce a true black and white side with crop marks. This especially affects four color over black printing.

    From 2013 to 2018, the digital printing…

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  7. Link to a Specific Page in external PDF File saved on the local disc -> choose between relative/absolute link

    It would be nice to have an option to open external file (pdf) saved on the local disc/folder on the specific page - the same way as url link ('#page=xx'). And it's also necessary to have an option select between relative/absolute link. If the file is distributed and the parent directory gets changed, it has to be still able to use the relative link (of course in case the original structure has not been changed).

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  8. preflight errors alert in export

    When exporting to pdf, if there are missing fonts, links and/or overset text (probably some other options), we will have a prompt saying that we have those kind of errors and InDesign will allow us to fix the errors before creating the pdf.

    In the other hand, if we have missing glyphs for example, InDesign will create the pdf without any warnings.

    You can see the errors in the preflight panel but I think it can be easily overseen and this extra security step would help to fix these errors if needed.

    I think Indesign should show this prompt every…

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  9. Add a "Clear All Alerts" button option to Background Tasks utility

    Sometimes I need to export files at a different setting to my ICC profiles setting and I have to clear the alerts after I have exported. It's very frustrating when I am exporting multiple times that I then have to select each individual file before deleting. Can we not have a "Clear All" option for multiple alerts, please? It would save lots of time when deleting.

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  10. Include Spread Rotation in PDF Export and Publish Online

    When exporting/publishing as spreads, allow us to "include spread rotation" and display those properly in the online viewer and PDF export.

    I have a calendar layout with most of the spreads rotated for proper viewing. I've always exported as spreads and rotated manually in Acrobat for the client but I can't do that when publishing online.

    A simple version of this would apply only when exporting spreads ie: where the result of 2 8x10 pages is a single 16x20 page which is then rotated per the ID view settings.

    A truly complete solution would need Acrobat/Reader the ability to show…

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  11. Make two windows workable while exporting.

    I need to edit other files while waiting for the pdf export to finish.
    Please make a second window workable while exporting to pdf on the other.

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  12. Placed pdfs lose accessibility and all the tags have to be re-created

    When I import or place my pdfs and then export my indesign file all the tags disappear in the exported pdf. This is really annoying as all the tags have to be created again.
    Get my tags back , all the accessibility tags which the pdf had before.

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  13. Allow interactive elements when exporting print pdf.

    If anyone needs to create a template with bleeds and crops that can be filled out by another party and sent to print, they have to use PDF form fields which doesn't have a paste in place feature so the elements aren't shifting around a page. Also, if I have to make edits to the InDesign pdf, I have to copy, paste and rearrange the form elements over again.

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  14. Hyperlinks checked by default option

    The problem: I have a document. I go to Files --> Export as PDF --> In this window I can check the box saying "Hyperlinks". It's always unchecked. I want it to ALWAYS be checked by default.

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  15. Use the Articles tab to designate the reading order in a PDF

    When creating an accessible PDF, InDesign should use the Articles Tab rather than the Layers Panel to structure the Reading Order. It reads properly but once you check the accessibility, the "Reading Order" panel shows a MESS. It's based on the Layers Panel which is madness to try and re-structure when creating a large form with hundreds of form fields. The Articles Panel is needed to set the tab order anyway. This would make the most sense to me.

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  16. Flash Player should not be required to play non-Flash video in PDFs

    Currently Interactive PDFs exported from InDesign require Flash to be installed for videos to be viewed. This is true even when the video is an MP4, and when the settings in Acrobat are set so it uses the Windows/Mac native video player.

    Non-Flash videos should not require a Flash player. The PDF 2.00 specification allows for media in Interactive PDFs... but with Flash going away in 2020 we need a solution to continue showing media files in PDFs.

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  17. PDF Tag Preview

    PDFs have to be tagged properly for ADA compliance. It would be nice to be able to preview (in InDesign) what the tag structure will look like when exported to PDF. This would prevent having to return to the source file if there is inappropriate nesting of tags, incorrect tags, etc. This would be especially helpful with complicated (multi-level) lists.

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  18. MultiCore

    Let the Export Engine Part for PDF's use Multicore,
    to process big render heavy files with transparence effects better.

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  19. Alignment-options when creating Forms via InDesign

    Now it's possible to set fonts/typefaces but I am missing the alignment for the text (right, left, centered) and furthermore the format-selection (currency, numbers, date, percent ...)

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  20. Change label for "Use Document Bleed Settings" to "Use Active Document's Bleed Settings"

    When exporting a book under Export Adobe PDF > Marks and Bleeds > Bleed and Slugs, it would be helpful (for other users to avoid the frustration of learning the hard way as I just did) to know that this setting uses the active document's settings rather than each document's respective settings (Guessing this is a limitation with how PDF is constructed, otherwise is this perhaps actually a bug?), or if no document is active that it will apply all zeros.

    The latter was the problem I encountered and was not expecting, as every document in my book has the…

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